Acnologia x Reader Soulmate AU- Markings

Start from the beginning

"I can make sound and I can take it away, you know, your problem is underestimating people"
"This is exactly why I hate demon slayers, they're too arrogant"

"And that is also part of your problem" you answer nonchalantly as you got off his back. Didn't you realize who he was? Didn't you know that people would kill to have that kind of shot at him?

"Tch whatever, I'm going"

"Um, no, you aren't. Your still hurt, and I don't care what woods they are they're still dangerous. You seemed surprised when I didn't kill you so my guess is there are people out there who want to. People who are much more powerful and smarter than I am. My best guess is you'll want to wait awhile to let your arm heal, or get a replacement. Well who better to lay low with than the world's greatest theif?" You question, going to stop him.
"If you're the best thievery has to offer, then it's a dying trade" he spoke, pushing past you.

"Hey, I didn't kill you right?! That means your life is in my hands now!"
"We never bet on that"
"But it's true! If it weren't for me being a nice person you would be dead!"

"I'm leaving" and with that he left the clearing.

"Heya Grumpy!" You shout from a tree, making Acnologia startle just as he was about to rest his head.

"Grr, go away before I kill you!" Acnologia growls.

"You won't though, because I saved your life!"
"That didn't count"
"Kinda did"
"Dragon Roar!" He fired magic in your direction and saw that there was nothing but splinters and smoke, he nodded his head, glad to be rid of you after a half-day's worth of you appearing out of nowhere. He turned over, closing his eyes and getting ready for much needed rest.
"Grumpy used Dragon Roar, it wasn't effective"

"God damn it, can you stop!?" Acnologia wasn't one to lose his temper, but after a half day of you doing crap like this he was very tempted to turn back to a dragon just to stomp you.

"Not until you rest up! My hideout isn't too far from here actually"
"And spend more time with your mouth? No thanks"
"C'mon, I'm not that annoying, I'm just being annoying on purpose so you have no choice!" You grin at him, god he wanted to punch that grin off your face, but he knows you'll dodge. He can already see your muscles tensing up, ready to dodge at the first sign of him moving his arm or the slight pronunciation of the letter D.

"Fine, but if you so much as slightly perturb me, I'm out."

"Alrighty! My hideout is that way!" You point as you begin walking, Acnologia following behind you.

" you have a name or am I gonna have to call you Grumpy?" You question him.


"Hmm...sounds familiar...I think Onsei mentioned you once or twice before...but then again you are pretty powerful...for a dragon slayer" you grinned teasingly, Acnologia grunted.

"And Onsei is..?"

"The demon who found me and taught me everything I know about demon slayer magic, but the thievery and speed is all me"

"Uh-huh, and this demon didn't tell you what your markings mean?" He questioned.

"Nope, I think it has something to do with my soulmate, but you have the same markings too! Maybe we have the same soulmate! You can have them, I don't mind being forever alone, it's just easier for thieves like me." You shrug, Acnologia grunted.

"Well I don't want a soulmate either, those things are nothing but a waste of time"

"Ok, so I guess all three of us are forever alone" you comment with a shrug. Acnologia didn't know much about soulmates, but he figured having two other people as part of your soulmate thing was normal.

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