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Here's a new chapter, sorry its been a while since I've updated. I'm figuring out how to end the story as it only has two more chapters left. I know what's going to happen in the next chapter but I'm unsure about the last chapter. Anyway I hope you like this chapter

Eight days later.....

No one's pov

Kol and Davina arrived back in New Orleans in the afternoon and were picked up by Elijah who was now driving them back to the Palace where he told them they had news to tell them which made Kol and Davina feel nervous as they picked up on how serious and tense Elijah sounded when he said it.

10 minutes later

Elijah pulled into the palace car park and drove into the garage where all the cars are kept.

He parks the car and palace workers rush over to the car. Two of the workers grab Kol and Davina's luggage from the trunk of the car whilst the other worker opened Davina's door and went to help her out but was stopped by Prince Kol as the Prince had gotten out and rushed over to tend to his wife. "It's okay I got it" he said slightly narrowing his eyes at the male worker making him gulp "yes of course. My bad your highness" the man responded before rushing over to help the other two workers with the luggage whilst Kol helped Davina out of the car.

They all made their way into the palace and were greeted by Esther and Rebekah. "It's good to have you both back. Did you enjoy your vacation?" Esther asked as Rebekah brought them both into a hug "very much, we really needed it" Kol responded as he pulled away from Rebekah and slid his arm around Davina's waist. "Well that's good to hear. Now come follow me there's something we need to discuss" Esther replied motioning them to follow her.

Esther led them to Mikeal's offuce and opened the door revealing Mikael who was sat at his desk. He looked up as the door opened and smiled at his son and daughter in law. "Come take a seat you two" he said motioning them to enter. Kol and Davina gave each other a nervous glance before entering the office with Esther and Elijah entering behind them. Esther shut the door as they sat down and Elijah stood to the side next to Mikael.

Once Esther was stood behind the desk and standing next to Mikael. Kol broke the silence "what's happened? Are me and Davina in trouble?" he questioned as he took Davina's hand in his and gave it a light squeeze to comfort her knowing she was feeling nervous. "No you're not in trouble don't worry" Esther replied giving them a soft smile "then why have we been called in here? We're only ever called in here if any of us are in trouble" Kol pointed out "I'm aware but you two are not in trouble. We just need to talk" Mikael responded "okay talk about what?" Kol asked "the real reason we sent you and Davina away on vacation" Elijah replied Kol and Davina turned to look at one another before turning back to Mikael. "What was the real reason?" Davina questioned "we sent you away in order to protect you Davina" Esther said Davina's eyes widened and Kol gently squeezed her hand. "Protect me? Protect me from what?" she asked "Monique had escaped from prison" Elijah informed her making Davina gasp and freeze in her seat. "W-what? She's out of prison?" she asked to make sure she heard right. "She was out of prison. She had somehow escaped and we remembered her threat to you before she was taken away and we feared she would follow through with the threat so we sent you both away on vacation to keep you safe from her whilst we tried to find her" Mikael explained "has she been found?" Kol asked worried for his wife's safety "yes she has and you don't have to worry about her ever again because I sent her away to Alcatraz" Mikael replied "she won't get out right?" Davina asked Elijah shook his head "Alcatraz is the most famous prison for being impossible to escape from. Monique was taken there straight after questioning and she has been placed in the high security unit and has been put in a straight jacket as she is classed as dangerous to others since she tried to fight off, bite and scratch every officer that came to take her away. She stabbed one in the eye with her finger. The point is Monique won't ever be getting out of there so you are perfectly safe" Mikael assured the couple who sighed in relief. "Thank you but why didn't you ever tell us in the first place?" Kol questioned "we didn't want to stress either of you out. Davina has been through enough and we didn't think it was fair to worry her that one of her abusers was wondering free" Elijah responded "that was a kind thing to do but I still would've liked to have known that Monique had escaped. I don't like being kept in the dark" Davina replied "well in future we won't keep you in the dark" Esther responded "very well. Are we free to go now?" Kol asked "of course. Go and unpack your things and take the day off to get back to normal as tomorrow you and Davina are to go to the opening of a new restaurant at 12 and then you will be going to the orphanage that has just opened up to deliver some food, clothes and blankets for the children" Esther replied Kol and Davina nodded as they stood up "very well. We'll see you for dinner" Kol responded shaking his mother and fathers hand before nodding his head at Elijah. Esther gave Davina a hug "your worst days are behind you now. I promise" she assured her as she pulled away "thank you" Davina replied with a small smile before leaving the room with Kol. 

"So what do you want to do?" Kol asked as they made their way to their bedroom "I need a foot massage. My feet are killing me" Davina replied "I'll be happy to do that and then afterwards we can go for a swim in the palace swimming pool or something" he responded "swimming sounds like fun. It would help with my aches and pains plus it's good exercise for me and the baby" Davina responded placing her hand on her baby bump as she felt the baby kick. "Well then let's get those feet of yours massaged and then we'll grab our bathing suits and head down to the swimming pool" Kol responded wrapping his arm around her lower back as he placed a kiss on her forehead. "Sounds like a plan" Davina responded as she leaned her head on his shoulder as they headed to their room so Kol could give her a foot massage.

End of chapter, what did you think? I know it was a little short. Kol and Davina arrived home and were informed of Monique escaping prison and being recaptured. What will happen next? Here's a hint, there's going to be a new arrival. Stay tuned for more baring in mind there's only two more chapters to go

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