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Chapter 6

Cami's pov

That day Kol went straight home but not before punching the man who ran the bakery stall and warned him he will his mother of his cruelty towards the boy, Kol wouldn't dare go to his father as King Mikael although he's a good king he has rules and certain opinions on certain rules like stealing, Kol wondered if telling his father that the thief was simply just a boy who simply wanted to feed his little sister but Kol didn't want to take any chances so he went to his mother about the situation

Kol's pov

I enter the castle with no expression on my face but anger is shown in my eyes as I make my way to my mother's office to tell her about the incident that man shall be punished as I warned him, upon entering the office I immediately see Finn and his wife Sage standing next to my mother hovering over her desk "mother I need to speak to you urgently" I say sternly "can't it wait brother we're in the middle of a serious discussion" Finn says "well what I have to say is just as serious as to whatever it is you three are discussing" I say "Finn give us some privacy your brother needs me" mother says "come Sage" Finn turns to Save who smiles at him with stars in her eyes making Kol roll his eyes he doesn't how Sage could like someone like Finn but yet again why would anyone like Sage she's a total bitch who doesn't seem to do anything but bow down to my older brother like a servant to her god not that anyone actually tells her or Finn that, as soon as Finn and Sage are out the door my mother turns to face me "what is it Kol? Is this to do with the marriage thing?" She asks "no actually I'm here to report a crime I was just in the markets and there was an incident involving a child" I say making mother frown "what happened?" She asks "there was a little boy he was poor and an orphan he tried to steal a loaf of bread to feed his little sister but the man at the stall tramatised him he handled him in a way that could've caused the boy serious injuries but I'm sure the boy probably has a bruise now and not just that the man pushed the boy and was going to kick the boy when a girl stepped in she stopped the man before he could frighten or harm the boy any further and she bought some loaves of bread for the boy and his sister" I say "I see well I will make sure that the man will be punished for his cruelty but how do you know the boy is an orphan?" She questions "I don't know why but I followed the girl who had saved him and he leads her into an abandoned building where the boy and his sister are living" I say "oh the poor things how old are the kids?" She asks "the boy is around 7 or 8 years old and his sister looks to be no older than 2 years old" I say "oh my they are way to young to be out alone you must go back and bring the children here and I'll take it from there" she says "no harm will come to them right?" I ask "I would never harm a child I will help these children get a new safe loving home" she says "alright I'll go get the kids" I say and exit her office filled with determination to help those children and perhaps see that girl again.

He will meet Davina in the next chapter but it will be brief and he won't catch her name until after the ball, stay tuned for more

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