Masqerade ball part 2

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The writing is normal in this chapter as I was having some trouble with the usual font I use but it will be back to italics in the next chapter and Cami doesn't narrate anything in this since it's part 2 of the previous chapter, sorry I just had to unpublish this chapter to check something

Kol's pov

The ball had started an hour ago and I was already bored out of my mind, I've been swarmed by girls the second the doors opened and while it might seem flattering at first but when they start following you around, not allowing you some peace for even a minute then it gets annoying. I've just had enough of all this already and I want it to be over, I haven't seen any girl that has caught my eye but I have been keeping a look out to see if the girl from the market has shown up but so far I've spotted no gorgeous brunette with beautiful striking blue eye which is just my luck. Just as I raise my glass to take a sip of the champagne in my hand, out of the corner of my eye I see everyone turn their heads to something so I peak over the red head stood in front of me to see what everyone is looking at and I'm blown away once I catch a good glimpse of the girl who had just entered the room, she was absolutely beautiful dressed in a long blue and white strapless dress with a blue and white mask to match, her luscious brown hair lay in perfect curls and her skin was radiant but what stood out the most was her striking blue eyes but just as I get the glimpse of her it is then gone when a girl with thick curly black hair and tanned skin appeared in front of me blocking my view from the beauty ahead "hi your highness my name is Monique and I am the granddaughter of Bastianna Deveroux" she says while bowing "very nice but if you may excuse me love I have things to do" I say going to step around her but she moves so she's stood in front of me making me really irritated "things like what?" She asks biting her lip while twirling her hair with her finger in an attempt to look sexy but she just makes me even more irritated "well this ball is dedicated to me and all these people are here to see and support me so I must exchange in conversation with them now if I may leave" I say raising my eyebrow at her in question "okay but when you're done talking to whoever come look for me I'll save you a dance" she says trailing her eyes up and down my body, usually that would me smirk in pride but for some reason I feel sick to the stomach when she does that "right" is all I say before quickly moving the hell away from her. I move around the ballroom in search of the blue eyed girl and I grin when I spot her over by a statue, I walk over to her and tap her on the touch making her turn around causing our eyes to meet, her eyes are so blue, so clear, so perfect I've never seen anything like them.

After we exchange a few words we slowly start swaying to the music, everything around us is silent as I focus on the beauty in front of me and without realizing we move around the room as we dance and we don't notice the crowd beginning to form as people start watching us dance, we dance back and forth and I twirl her into my arms and out again while keeping my gaze on her, I pull her close to me making our eyes meet in a calming but intense stare making us both smile as stop to catch our breaths the only thing is when we stop dancing the crowed of people that form around us start clapping, we both look up to see everyone smiling while some remained unamused those people you may wonder are girls probably jealous that they didn't get to dance with me, out of the corner of my eye I see my mother stood on the balcony of the stairs so I look up at her only to see her smiling she points to the girl stood next to me and gives me a thumbs up making me smile before turning my attention back to the girl, I lean down to whisper in her ear as everyone starts dancing again "would you like to take a walk outside with me?" I ask "this isn't the part where you kill me is it?" She asks jokingly making me chuckle "no love I just want to catch a breather and would really appreciate it if you accompanied me outside" I say "sure doesn't sound too dodgy" she replies turning on her heel with me as we head outside, I watch as she walks over to the balcony and looks out at the view "it's a beautiful night I haven't seen the stars shine this bright in so many years" she says "you like the stars?" I ask leaning against the stone rails of the balcony as I take in the view for myself "yeah there's just something so magical and peaceful about them they give me a sense of comfort if that makes any sense" she says "yeah I get it the stars give you an escape from reality when you need it" I say "that's right I like birds too they're everything I want to be" she says "why what do they have that you want?" I ask curiously "freedom birds can be and do whatever they want without any judgement and they can go anywhere in the world just by flying nothing can stop them they're independent they have an escape" she says surprising me "I wasn't expecting an answer like that" I say "does it make me seem weird?" She asks "not at all I actually know how you feel I just never knew how to discribe it before now but now that you've said that it makes sense and I understand sometimes I just want to get up and fly away to a place no one can bother me" I say "you want an escape?" She asks "yeah sometimes but only when things get tough I think an escape is what everyone needs at some point" I say "I've never met anyone who thought and felt the same usually if I said something like that it would creep the person out" she says "that's because guys aren't​ use to meeting girls that are deep and wise they just expect girls to be easy and boring so when they come across a girl with a beautiful mind and soul they react negatively because they get intimidated by it because they don't know what to do" I say "beautiful mind and soul? Is that what you think of me?" She asks "yeah you're the most relatable, wise and understandable girl I've ever meet you actually make sense and speak the truth you see the world in a way most people don't and that's rare but it's​ a beautiful gift that people only with a kind heart possess" I say "thank you Prince Kol that's very nice of you" she says "please call me Kol" I say "are you sure that's appropriate?" She asks "I don't care this is my ball and I say call me Kol I kinda hate it when people say Prince Kol" I say honestly "Oh I'm sorry" she says "it's fine you didn't offend me love" I say with a smile she smiles back at me and our eyes meet once again, my eyes trail to her lips and we slowly start leaning it and just as our lips brush lightly about to touch the clock strikes 12 making her eyes widen and she pulls away "sorry I uh have to go" she says turning to walk away but I grab her arm gently making her turn around to face me "what why we're having a good time aren't we?" I ask she sighs and leans up and places a hand on my cheek "Kol this night has been wonderful and I will treasure it for the rest of my life but I have to go" she says removing her hand and placing a soft kiss on my cheek "goodnight my prince" she says before turning around and running off before I could even react but I soon spring into action and run after her, there's no way I'm letting her slip through my fingers there's a connection between us she's special and I can't let her get away but by the time I make it outside I'm too late she's gone, I sigh in defeat and sit down on the step and as I lay my head in my hands I spot something shiny near me, I lift my head up and look at it and frown when I realise it's a shoe but as I pick it up in my hands I realize it's not just any shoe it's the shoe the mysterious girl wore well one of them, a smile appears on my face since I have this shoe that means the girl who wore them has the other, I can find the girl, I'll send out my brother's to all the houses in New Orleans to search for the girl who owns this shoe and when I find her I will marry her and that is a promise.

Ta da so how was that? I really hope you liked it, sorry about the font but it will be back to italics in the next chapter. Stay tuned for more

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