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Cami's pov

It had been a week since Kol rescued Davina from Bastianna and Monique but unfortunately she still remained in a coma. Her injuries too severe as it was discovered she had internal bleeding and needed surgery immediately in order to save her life and Kol was getting even more worried the longer Davina stayed in a coma he just wanted her to wake up so he could hear her voice and see her beautiful blue eyes.

Kol's pov

I pace around in the room where Davina's been moved too, under my mother's request she had Davina moved into the room next to mine so I could be near her at all times. My heart breaks everytime I walk into this room only to see her still in a coma with tubes attached to her the only thing that tells me she's still alive is her chest rising and falling.

I hate seeing her like this knowing this could've been prevented if only I found her sooner, the pain and life threatening injuries she's received from Bastianna and Monique is uncalled for and I will make sure they are punished for their crimes. Speaking of Bastianna and Monique they are currently in a jail cell waiting for their punishment as I want Davina to wake up before I think of their punishment but I swear I will make them suffer for what they did.

I look over at Davina when I see movement from the corner of my eye, I blink and rub my eyes to make sure I'm not hallucinating when I see Davina's hand move. "Davina" I say firmly as I seat myself on the bed taking hold of the hand I saw move "can you hear me?" I ask a smile tugs it way on my face when I feel her squeeze my hand "can you do that again love so I know I'm not dreaming?" I ask stroking her hair a slight laugh of disbelief escapes my lips when she squeezes my hand again. "I'd go get the doctor but I want to keep this moment to myself I want to witness you open those beautiful eyes of yours and if I go get the doctor I know I'll miss it" I say tearing up as I notice her eyelids move "can you open your eyes for me?" I ask hopefully kissing her hand and I see a little smile appears on her face, she's definitely waking up finally.

Davina's pov

I try with all my might to open my eyes or move another body part as I hear Kol talk to md but I can't it's hard. I want to answer him so bad but I'm too weak to open my eyes or speak all I can do is squeeze his hand and smile a little. "I know it might be hard but please try to open your eyes for me I have to see those beautiful blue eyes of yours" he says softly rubbing my hand causing warmth to travel up my body.

"I'm sorry you're in this condition it's all my fault if I found you earlier then you wouldn't be like this now I'd be holding you in my arms or kissing you" he says his words give me courage to fight harder because I don't want him to blame himself for what happened to me I don't want to let him down I have to fight. After a few minutes I finally manage to open one eye and I know I probably look daft but I'm doing it I'm opening my eyes for Kol and out of the corner of my eye I see that Kol has his head on my stomach.

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out so I place my free hand on his head and gently stroke his hair causing him to quickly snap his head up "D-Davina" he says in shock but happiness is written in his eyes."h.." is all I can manage to say because my throat is dry as hell and it hurts to talk "it's okay love you don't have to rush into talking" he says stroking my cheek well if I can't talk yet I know one thing that he'll understand without me having to say anything so I reach my hands up to his face and I pull him down to me placing my lips against his taking him by surprise but it doesn't take long for him to regain himself and return the kiss deepening it.

Yay they finally kissed. What did you think? Will everything be okay now? Will Bastianna and Monique get their well deserved punishment? What punishment should they get? What will happen between Kol and Davina now? What will happen next? Stay tuned

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