Somethings wrong

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Kol's pov

I watch as we come to a stop in front of a big house "Deveroux" I say looking at the mailbox at the end of the driveway, I huff in annoyance I'm not a particular fan of the Deveroux family as I've heard bad things about this family plus I met the granddaughter at the ball and she was pure annoying, after my mystery girl ran off she appeared and kept following me around begging me to dance with her, I eventually had enough and turned round and yelled at her to leave me alone after she had insulted my mystery girl by calling her stupid for running from a Prince and saying that she's probably just a nobody so she's not important that I can't have a girl like that as a wife that it would be bring shame and embarrassment to me and my family which enraged me because who the hell does she think she is? She knows nothing about me or my family other than the fact we're royalty, she had no right butting her nose in my business and I just know for certain that I'm not going to enjoy this visit one bit.

I get out the car after gathering myself, my brother Elijah gets out moment's later and locks the car, our parents made him go with me said I should have someone other than guards for back up and support. "Are you ready for this one?" Elijah asks standing next to me as I get to the front door "no but if I want to find the girl I have to check every house" I say before ringing the door bell, I hear a crash coming from inside the house followed by a woman's hushed yelling and a door slam shut before the door is opened revealing a middle aged woman with Aubourn coloured hair and piercing greyish/green eyes, the woman looks to be in her 60's  "hello I am sorry for the wait we were just cleaning but do come in I'm Bastianna Deveroux" she says with a smile but it's not a kind smile it's one of those fake smiles I look at Elijah before entering the house "you have a lovely home miss" Elijah says looking around "oh thank you I take good pride in keeping my house clean as does my granddaughter she's an excellent cleaner always so willing to help out around the house" Bastianna says grinning at me making me feel uncomfortable "I see" Elijah mumbles "speaking of which I shall go get her" she says before heading up the stairs "Kol I have a bad feeling about this woman" Elijah whispers to me "me too don't worry we won't be staying for long" I whisper back to him just as Bastianna comes down the stairs with a girl following behind her "Prince Kol I present to you my granddaughter Monique" she says before moving aside letting the girl behind her move forward, I mentally groan in frustration when I see it's the girl from the ball who kept harassing me, I know I'd be seeing her but simply seeing her makes me cringe.

She grins at me "hello my Prince it's so lovely to see you again I'm sorry for running off the way I did I'm just so insecure that I'm not enough for you but here I am" she says I raise my eyebrow at her "you do know I'm not stupid right?" I question her age tilts her head "what do you mean?" she asks fluttering her eyelashes in an attempt to look innocent but I'm not falling for it "you're the girl who wouldn't take no for an answer and was so insistent on annoying me god I'm so fed up of all these girls pretending to be the girl I danced with just to bag a crown" I say raising my voice a little showing my annoyance, the girl steps forward "I don't want the crown I want you perhaps you and this mystery girl was just simply a one night thing it was never meant to be" she says going to place a hand on my shoulder but I move aside so her hand falls "my granddaughter would make a good wife and queen I mean just look at her she's beautiful and she's an excellent cleaner and cook she cleaned this house just for your visit and she made tonight's dinner you'd be a fool to turn down my girl" Bastianna says infuriating me "did you just insult me?" I question glaring at her "of course she wasn't brother surely Miss Deveroux knows better than to insult a royal right miss" Elijah says looking at Bastianna with a stern look on his face "of course I'm just saying my granddaughter will make you happy" she says "so what do you say will you take me as your bride I'll even try on the shoe if you want?" Monique says stepping closer to me I look at her and scoff "as if" I say "I don't like to intrude but the rule was if the shoe fit then that girl would be your wife" Bastianna says "do you know how many girls I've met that the shoe had fit but I already know they weren't my mystery girl" I say "it's the rule you made you're not allowed to leave until every single girl has tried on the shoe" she says "I'd be careful if I were you otherwise something bad might just happen to you" Elijah says glaring at her before I could even say anything "for what stating the facts" she replies "if I let you try on the shoe will you shut up" I say glaring at both of the women "of course" Bastianna says I huff before taking out the house and handing it to Monique she grins taking off one of her shoes and putting on the shoe, her foot is almost all the way in the shoe when I see her start pushing at the shoe trying to force it on, I grin in amusement "if I may have the shoe back now" I say holding out my hand for the shoe.

Monique yanks the show off and glares at me "Do you really think this shoe is going to help you find your precious mystery girl well guess what it won't you will never find her because your mystery girl could be anyone and you've probably already found her but you turned her down because she didn't seem like her even though the shoe fit!"she yells I glare at her "I know for a fact that I haven't found her already because I would be able to tell because I would feel it and I would know simply by looking at her!" I yell my nostrils flaring I hate this girl she's so infuriating just then Monique starts smirking before lifting the shoe and throwing it on the floor causing it to smash" you stupid girl!"I yell "now you will never find her" she says Bastianna smirks "now I insist you marry my granddaughter instead of wasting your time on some poor unworthy maid" she says before going pale in the face at her words "what did you just say?" I question her "nothing it's just your imagination " she says I shake my head at her "it wasn't do you know who my mystery girl is?" I ask "no how would I know?" she replies "because you just said I shouldn't be wasting my time on some poor unworthy maid which means you know something" I say "is there anyone else living in this house miss Deveroux?" Elijah questions moving to the stairs "no just me and Monique" Bastianna says "then who were you yelling at before you answered the door because it wasn't Monique we heard you yelling about some Davina" Elijah says the name Davina lingers in my head for some reason "Davina" I mutter under my breath the name rolls off my tongue perfectly "I would like to see this Davina" I say I notice Monique clenching her fists before looking up the stairs "Davina is nobody" Monique spat like the name angered her "Davina is my cat she's a silly stupid animal always causing problems" Bastianna says "so you yell at your pet like a piece of trash?" Elijah questions "she's just an animal she knows her place in my house" she says with a fake grin I don't trust these two at all somethings going on here and I want to find out what "you know what forget it let's reschedule this for tomorrow I just remembered my brother here has to get back for an appointment with his wife" I say fake smiling "why would you like to come back?" Monique asks "you're right I can't waste my life looking for some girl who's probably just a nobody I kind of like spoilt desperate and arrogant girls such as yourself" I say with a fake smile Monique grins "really?" she asks "yeah be sure to cook something delicious for me I do quite like a woman who can cook" I wink at her but I feel sick inside as I do I feel as if I'm somehow betraying my mystery girl but it means nothing I don't care for Monique I care for my mystery girl but I need to find out what these women are hiding because I can feel myself being pulled to the stairs as if I know someones up there as if I already know who it is.

Me and Elijah quickly leave the house and head back to the castle, I need to get information on those women and the only way I can do that is by going to my father he information on every single person in New Orleans, the information he has was given to him by the council who give him the original folders of all the people while the council have copies of the folders.

Ohh Kol's on a mission will he uncover the grim stuff about Bastianna and her past? Will he discover Davina lives there under their cruelty and will he recognise her as his mystery girl aswell as the girl from the market? On the other hand Bastianna and Monique are acting strange do you think they know it was Davina that danced with Kol at the ball? Stay tuned for more

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