A craving

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Here's a brand new chapter, I know it's a little delayed and for that I'm sorry, anyway I hope you enjoy the new chapter.

Two months later......Davina is 6 months pregnant

Kol's pov

It's 16th of December and the Christmas ball that my sister has organised is tomorrow so me and my brothers are going out for a tux fitting while my lovely wife and the ladies are going out for a dress fitting. Since Davina is six months pregnant she has a baby bump so she needs a dress that compliments her beautiful changing body and one she will be comfortable in as she's finding it hard to wear anything without feeling irritable by what she wears so half the time she walks around in her underwear and a robe which I don't really mind since she tends to get quite horny due to her pregnancy hormones which I have no problem with especially when she's in a horny mood. 

"Kol try this tux" Elijah says handing me a tux "can I do this later? I want to go back home and cuddle my wife" I say "no we have to get out tux's sorted for tomorrow otherwise Rebekah will kill you" he replies "no she won't not if she wants to upset my pregnant wife" I retort cheekily Nik rolls his eyes "just try it on as soon as we've got our tux's sorted the sooner we can go home and you can be with your wife" he replies with that I stand up and head into the dressing room to put the tux on before it can have alterations made to it if I decide to wear this tux to the Christmas ball. 

I step out with the tux on "I think this will do" I say "right well take it off and the kind gentleman here will make adjustments to it" Elijah replies I head back into the dressing and take off the tux and put my clothes back on. "Right here now let's go" I say handing the tux to the owner of the store who will be making the necessary adjustments to the tux. "We will stop by tomorrow before lunch to pick up the suits" Elijah informs the owner "the suits will be ready your highness" he replies Elijah nods before turning to us "right let's go before Kol com busts" Nik says as I start bouncing on the heels of my feet "off we go then" Elijah says heading for the exit and we follow after him.

With Davina.........

Davina's pov

I've just had my dress fitting for my dress for the Christmas ball tomorrow and now I'm heading to the kitchen because I'm hungry and my unborn baby won't stop kicking. "Okay sweetie I'm going to have something to eat now" I say rubbing my baby bump as I enter the kitchen "hello Davina how can I help you?" Marcel asks "I need food the baby won't stop kicking" I reply making Henrik laugh "takes after my brother, he doesn't stop kicking either" he remarks making me giggle "well he doesn't kick too much when he's sleeping" I reply as I start looking through the cupboards to look for something light to eat since lunch will be ready soon. I find a packet of cookies and chips "looks like I'll be eating these" I say pulling them out the cupboard only for them to be taken off me by Esther "what you need is something healthy. Sugary snacks won't help" she says I tear up as she puts the goods away "but they look so good" I sniff she smiles "I know but they aren't good for the baby so sit down and I'll make something for you" she says I nod and sit down at the table. Hayley gives me a sympathetic smile as she enters with Lily in her arms "I understand how you feel D. I've been there" she says as she sits next to me handing me Lily who reaches out to me. I smile and sit her on my lap "it's so hard when all I want is to eat a bag of cookies" I say "I know but you only have three months left until you give birth and then you can eat as much junk food as you like" she replies "thank god for that. Don't get me wrong being pregnant has been an incredible experience but I just want to have my baby already and be able to eat whatever I want" I reply "three months will fly by D" she replies laughing when Lily starts poking my baby bump "that's where your little cousin is. Tell him or her to hurry up" I coo placing a kiss on her forehead and smiling when she squeals and pats my stomach.

I hand Lily back to Hayley when Esther places a plate of scrambled eggs on whole meal toast in front of me "can I have the syrup please?" I ask "it's got too much sugar" Esther says "please just a little bit of syrup to help my cravings for sweet stuff" I say she sighs and grabs a bottle of syrup "just this once" she says giving me a smile "thank you" I say grabbing the bottle and squirting some syrup on my scrambled eggs on toast I know it sounds gross but hey I'm pregnant and I get cravings for weird things so it's acceptable.

I look up when I hear Kol's voice "where's my wife? I want a cuddle" I hear him say "she's in here eating" Hayley replies Kol soon enters followed by Elijah and Klaus "don't tell me that's syrup on your eggs and toast" he says "sorry but it is. I couldn't help myself baby craves these things" I reply he chuckles and leans down to me and places a kiss on my forehead before getting on his knees and placing a hand on my stomach "hey little one could you maybe make your mommy crave normal things?" he asks earning a kick in response "yeah daddy that was a no" I reply he chuckles and kisses my stomach "syrup on eggs and toast that's gross little one" he says I scowl and gently swat him across the head "ouch! Mommy's going violent with me" he says "mommy will eat whatever she craves" I reply earning a kick from the baby in response "see the baby agrees" I add he grins and kisses my stomach "I'll leave you to it love" he says getting up and giving me a kiss on the lips. "I'll be upstairs soon" I say he nods "okay, you look like you need a cuddle" he says "you mean you need a cuddle?" I retort with a raised eyebrow "yes I do very much so hurry up and eat so we can cuddle before my brothers drag me out for more boring pre Christmas ball activities" he replies I giggle and give him a quick kiss "I'll be up as soon as I'm done" I say he grins and strokes my cheek before standing up right and walking out the kitchen.

I soon finish my light snack and quickly wash the plate and cutlery before heading upstairs to have a cuddle session with my childlike husband. I arrive at the room and find Kol lying shirtless in bed "you better be wearing pants" I say as I shut the door "I'm wearing boxers if that helps" he replies I shrug and strip out of my clothes blushing as he wolf whistles at me "beautiful" he says I run a hand over my baby bump feeling self conscious about my body so I hurry over to the bed and climb in next to him. He chuckles and wraps an arm around me as he pulls me closer to him so my head is lying on his chest "you feel warm" I hum as I snuggle my head on his chest "you're a little cold love" he says placing a kiss on my forehead as a yawn escapes my lips "would it be okay if I fall asleep?" I ask "of course love, I'll wake you in a bit" he replies I place a kiss on his chest before falling into a peaceful slumber.

End of chapter. What did you think? I know it was a little short but it was more of a filler chapter. Next chapter will be about the Christmas ball and then there will be about two or three more chapters left to go for this story as it is nearing a finish. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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