A dream is a wish

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Chapter 4 warning there is some abusive nature in this chapter

Cami's pov
It's the day after Monique had her date with Tim and Davina is still upset about the whole thing but refusing to break down.

Davina's pov
I watch as Monique enters the kitchen with a huge grin on her face and sits at the table to eat her breakfast, Bastianna enters shortly after "ah Davina I need you to run down to the market for me once you've done your chores" she says sitting down at the table "okay what do you need?" I ask "here's a list" she says holding out a piece of paper, I gently take it from her and fold it up and put it in my pocket, once Bastianna is done with her breakfast she leaves the kitchen but not before insulting me, I watch as Monique stands up soon after and she walks over to me "may I help you?" I ask raising my eyebrows at her "no I just wanted to say thank for the dress you made last night Tim loved it in fact he loved it so much that he ripped it off my body before he gave it to me if you know what I mean" she winks with a smirk which I just want to smack off her face but I'm better than that "good for you I'm glad you had a good time" I say "I hope this doesn't make anything awkward between us as I know how much you liked him but so do I and the heart wants what it wants and I want Tim and he clearly wants me" she says "well good for you" I say "it doesn't bother you that I slept with the guy you like and that we could possibly become girlfriend and boyfriend very soon?" She asks "no as much as I do like Tim it's merely just a crush that will no doubt go away within time so if he likes you and you make him happy then that's fine with me" I say "oh come on it's killing you that I have the guy you like Tim loves me not you and he never will he told me so and that he wouldn't be seen dead with a poor ugly maid like you" she says moving closer to me so she's in my face "Tim must be blind if he's​ dating someone like you I mean you have no self respect for yourself or anyone else you're a devil spawn" I reply sassily making it clear to her that I won't let her get to me "at least guys actually want to be me nobody will ever want you Davina you're just a poor useless girl and that's okay we can't all be perfect like me" she says twirling her hair with a smirk "Monique why don't you just go bother someone else" I suggest "I could but it's so much fun bothering you" she says "if you really think that then you really are pathetic" I say "I'll be telling my grandmother what you just said" she says "go ahead I'm already living in hell" I say "I don't like your attitude" she says "yeah well I don't like yours either so I suppose we both have a problem now if you'd excuse me I have to finish the chores then go to the market for Bastianna" I say moving around her but I suddenly meet the floor when Monique pushes me "watch yourself Davina just know you will always be pathetic and unloved you will never know love" she says bending down to my level "like you know anything about love all you know is how to be a gold digging whore" I say making her gasp "how dare you say that to me show some respect" she says "I will the minute you start showing respect for other people" I say "you know you should be grateful if it wasn't for my grandmother you would be living on the streets or you could've been dead not that it actually concerns us but you should really be more respectful to us" she says kicking me in the side as she walks away leaving me with a new bruise, I knew the deal she made with me to be nice for a whole month wouldn't last long and I should've known better but that's just the sort of person I am, I wish that one day I will escape this hell I mean what the hell did I do to deserve this, I want to be free of this torture I want to explore the world, find my true love, get married and have a family of my own but knowing my luck that will never happen. After a few minutes of crying I get up off the floor and finish off the chores then I head out to the market to get Bastianna's stuff.

How much of a bitch is Monique? Don't worry Davina won't be living in that hell for long, Kol will be in the next chapter, stay tuned for more

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