One month later

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Here's another chapter as promised, I hope you like it

One month later.....

No one's pov

It had been an entire month since Davina's coronation and the spat between the siblings, Finn and Sage. The day after Davina's coronation King Mikael and Queen Esther pulled Prince Finn and Princess Sage into their office. King Mikael simply pulled up the voice recorder he got from Rebekah and clicked play forcing them and his wife to listen. Once the recording finished the room was silent for a moment before King Mikael gave Finn a scolding about his appalling behavior towards his siblings and he called Sage a manipulative liar. King Mikael told Finn straight that he wasn't going to be King because he didn't deserve it and because he didn't have any good qualities to be King and he demanded that Finn get a divorce from Sage because he would no longer support their marriage. Finn and Sage tried to protest insisting they did nothing wrong and that Kol and the others provoked her but Mikael didn't believe them for a second nor did Esther who was really disappointed in her son to know what he was planning to do to his siblings and his sister in laws if he was King. Mikael yelled at them and ordered for Sage to be taken away and stripped of her title as Princess. Sage was placed in prison much to her and Finn's horror. Finn blasted his father for treating him and Sage that way but Mikael didn't give a damn and simply told Finn that he should've chosen a better wife and that he should be a better brother to his siblings. 

After two weeks Sage was released from prison and was banished from New Orleans, she could never return under no circumstances and if she did return she'd be put in prison. Finn gave in to his parents orders and divorced Sage even though he didn't want too and it made him hate his siblings even more. He blamed them for Sage being taken away, completely refusing to acknowledge that Sage was just using him and was a manipulative person as he was too blinded by the love he had for her. 

Shortly after Sage was banished from New Orleans, Finn was sent to go and fight in the army by King Mikael who thought joining the army would be great for him and that it would give him motivation to be a better person. Mikael also hoped he would forget about Sage while he was in the army. Queen Esther worried about her sons safety in the army but Mikael assured her he would be fine.

As for Prince Kol and Princess Davina everything has been perfect for them, they've been so happy together. They spend most of their days hanging out in the garden or out on the streets of New Orleans listening to the music and looking at the artists that would display their artwork to people who passed them. Or they either spent the day during royal duties on behalf of King Mikael and Queen Esther.

Although lately Princess Davina has been feeling a little unwell, she's been throwing up in the earliest hour of the morning, she's been getting really bad headaches, she's been feeling awfully tired a lot, her breasts have swelled and become very sensitive and sore to the touch and her feet are a little bit swollen. Prince Kol worries about his wife's health but Davina assures him that it's nothing, that it's probably just hormone changes she's still going through since she was still a teenager even if she was 18 and classed as an adult by some people. Queen Esther had been keeping an eye on Davina when she first heard Davina had been sick in the mornings and she always smiled to herself whenever she passed Davina as she knew Davina was fine and knew exactly what was wrong with her but didn't say anything as she thought it would be better if she figured it out on her own.

Kol's pov

I wake up to the sound of Davina throwing up in the toilet just like she's done every day for the past four weeks. I swing my legs out of bed and rub my eyes and stretch my arms, groaning as I feel a knot come undone in my muscles. I get off the bed and make my way to the bathroom to check on Davina. I enter the bathroom and grab a glass cup and fill it with water before heading over to her. "Hey love" I say kneeling down behind her, placing a gentle hand on her back as she sits up. She turns to me wiping her mouth "hi sorry if I woke you. I tried to be quiet" she apologizes and I give her a small smile "I don't mind. You can't help it if you're sick and don't ever try to be quiet. It's my job as your husband to be there for you when you're sick" I reply handing her the glass of water "thank you" she replies taking the glass from me and taking a little sip. I place a kiss on her forehead "I think you should go and see the royal Doctor today" I say as I sit myself down so I'm no longer kneeling down. "Why?" she asks "because you've been sick for the last four weeks now, you should've gone to the Doctor two weeks ago but you didn't because you insisted that there was nothing wrong with you, that it was just a stomach bug but stomach bugs don't last four weeks so I think it's time you go and see the Doctor" I respond she sighs and nods "fine but will you come with me? I don't want to go alone, I've never liked going to the Doctors" she says "of course I'll come with you" I reply giving her a kiss on the cheek before helping her up on her feet. She quickly bends down to flush the toilet before taking my hand and following me out the bathroom. "You get ready and then we'll head straight to the royal infirmary in the palace to see the Doctor" I say as she sits down on the bed "I'm hungry though, can't we grab something from the breakfast table on our way there?" she asks rubbing her stomach as it starts growling making me chuckle "of course love" I reply walking over to my wardrobe to get myself ready.

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