Maybe next time

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Chapter 7

Cami's pov
After leaving the orphans, Davina went back to the market to finish off getting Bastianna's shopping then headed home and put away the stuff, she then gathered up old clothes and blankets that Bastianna and Monique never use anymore and then she quickly left the house and went to the store to buy some food for the orphans.

Davina's pov
Once I've paid for the food, I head out the store and make my way to the building where those children are living, poor things nobody deserves losing their parents especially at such a young age, it's bad enough losing one parent but losing both is just awful, I know that better than anyone and it's why I'm helping those children they deserve to be happy and to be loved, I didn't have anyone there for me when I lost my parents, I hadn't met my friend Cami until I was 12 so I was alone to grieve which didn't help but now there's two children that need help, I would take them home with me if I was​ living in a place of my own but unfortunately I'm not so I can't do anything but provide food, clean clothes and warm blankets for them. Upon entering the building  I head straight to the basement and find Brandon looking out the little window that was in here and Ellie was fast asleep "hey I got some stuff" I say making Brandon turn around, his face lights up when he sees me making me smile in return, I kneel down on the floor since there is no furniture to sit on "I got three blankets that are no longer used in my house, some old clothes that had been boxed away for years and I got some food and a few bottles of water" I say placing the blankets on the floor and the neatly folded clothes on top of the blankets and I hand him the bag of food and water "why are you being nice to us?" Brandon asks me "because me, you and Ellie are the same we have no parents and we're not safe besides no child deserves to live like this" I say "thank you" he says hugging me "you're welcome I know things might seem bad now but one day soon things will get better for you and your sister I promise" I say holding out my pinky finger to pinky promise him, he wraps his pinky finger around mine and smiles "okay I must go but I'll be back tomorrow to check on you" I say "okay" Brandon replies I nod my head and head back upstairs and just as I exit the building I bump into someone I look up and my blue eyes instantly connect with the man's brown eyes wow he's so tall and handsome "oh I'm terribly sorry" I apologise "it's quite alright love I'm here to help those children" he says "how do you know about them? You're not planning on hurting them are you?" I ask afraid for Brandon and Ellie "I saw what​ happened earlier and my curious nature got the best of me so I followed you only because I was concerned for the boy and no I'm not going to hurt them" he says "if you're helping them I want to know where you're taking them?" I ask "I'm taking them to the Queen she insisted I brought them to her she wants them where they are safe" he says "oh okay well be gentle and patient with them they might feel threatened by you" I say still keeping connect with his eyes "I understand and by the way before I get the kids I just want to say I saw what you did for the boy and I think it was incredible you were incredible X he says making me blush "oh thank you we'll I must get going" I say moving around him but he gently grabs my arm making me look up at him "just one thing what is your name?" He asks "sorry I don't give out my name to strangers" I say "come on I must know the name of the bravest girl I've ever seen" he says making me blush and smile "well tough luck sir you're not getting my name perhaps if I see you again I might give you my name" I smirk and walk away as I do I feel his eyes on me

Kol's pov

Damn it she's gorgeous and fiesty too, I like that in a girl but I'm frustrated that she didn't give me her name but I am one for a good chase in a girl so this might just turn out great for me.

So they've met but haven't exchanged names and Davina has no idea he's a Prince, stay tuned for more

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