Pray to the gods

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Davina's​ pov

As soon as I got back home, I ran straight upstairs taking the dress, mask and slipper hiding them in a box I keep hidden​ in floor boards under my bed. I bite my lip nervously as I'm slightly freaking out inside, I went to the ball and I danced and spoke with the Prince and I enjoyed it and I was so sad for it to end but what I'm worried about is if Bastianna and Monique recognized​ me and the fact I lost one of my slippers not that it really matters I don't think anyone's going to care about someones shoe, I will never forget about tonight but I must not dwell on it as it will only seep through and Bastianna will surely notice, I must  leave tonight behind as a beautiful memory and most of all I just need to relax that is all and sleep will allow me to relax and by the morning I pray everything is normal but how normal can your life get when you're a maid and a step granddaughter and step cousin to two of the most dreadful women in the world, oh I pray to the gods that I have got away with tonight and that my life will turn around soon but who am I kidding tonight was nothing more than a fairytale dream and an excuse to escape from my terrible reality. I blink as tears start making their way down my cheeks, how is it such an event has got me in tears because of the fear of it being taken from me prehaps because I felt a connection with the Prince if that makes any sense but I'm pretty sure every girl who has come in close distance with him and spoken to him has felt a connection and who can blame them he's very charming and handsome and his accent is just to die for but there's something about his voice and his eyes that seem familiar, he reminds me of the guy from the market but that can't be him could it? I'm probably just over thinking it look at me I'm already obsessing over him I must stop before it becomes too dangerous for me to think or dwell of him.

This chapter was a short one but I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for more​

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