Can't stop

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Cami's pov
Several days had passed since the ball while Kol was searching for the girl mysterious girl he danced with, Davina was busy being Bastianna and Monique's maid but she was thinking of the Prince she danced with, what she didn't know was that he currently was searching for her not that he knew that of course.

Davina's pov

I was sweeping outside well trying to as the cat was attempting to roll around in the pile of dirt and leeves, I swear that creature has it out for me I have no idea why since I've never done anything to him but yet again this isn't just any cat, he's Bastianna's cat he's her baby follows her all over the house I always find him curled up in Bastianna's lap purring away as she strokes him but I'm not the only one who the cat has it out for, the cat doesn't like Monique either he's always hissing at her and attempting to bite or scratch her when she's in close range but I think that's because she kicked him purposely when he was a kitten so he doesn't trust her. I sigh in relief when I manage to get the cat to go away "finally" I mutter under my breath as I sweep the dirt and leeves into the trash bag, once I've finished sweeping I throw the trash bag into the bin and I put away the sweeping equipment as I go back outside I see Monique running up the drive away squealing  and I see the cat frantically run off with a hiss as she nears him which makes me giggle, I see Bastianna pick him up and stroke him making him calm down "what's with the squealing is something wrong?" I question as she nears me "my life is about to change for the better" she says "how come?" I ask "well the Prince is looking for this girl he was dancing with at the ball and he intends to marry her" she says my heart starts hammering in my chest "so" I say trying not to sound nervous or too suspicious "I'm going to be that girl he marries" she says I feel anger stir in my veins "were you the girl he danced with?" I ask even though I already know she didn't as I was there "heck no I never got the chance too but it doesn't change anything I will marry him" she says with a dreamy smile "how can you marry him if you aren't the girl he danced with?" I ask "it's easy I can trick him into thinking I'm the girl" she says "I'm sure he's way too smart to be tricked" I say "I've heard he plans on finding the girl with a shoe obviously I'm going to make the shoe fit duhh" she says "what about Tim? I thought you loved him?" I question "oh I dumped him he's just not my type but you're more than welcome to have him I'm sure he'll be more than happy to have you as a rebound since he will never get over me" she says with a fake smile as she passes me to enter the house "child I need you to go to the market to get some things for tonight the Prince will be here so I need you to cook something nice" Bastianna says roughly pushing a few hundred dollars into my hands giving me a paper cut, she stomps past me I sigh as I start walking down the drive way heading to the market.

Kol's pov

I slam my hands on the table in frustration, it's been a week since the ball and five days since I started searching for the girl at the ball but I've had no luck in finding her, I've been to so many houses met tones of girls who try to convince me that they are the girl I danced with which I know is a load of rubbish since I recognised them as girls who I spoke too at the ball but I never danced with them and some of the girls had blonde hair which was ridiculous because they know the girl I danced with was a brunette and had blue eyes but that didn't stop any of them from trying, I had some of the girls cry and plead while some would yank the shoe out of my hands and try forcing the shoe on their foot oh and there was one girl who dyed her hair brown and wore blue contacts trying to impersonate the girl to trick me which was just crazy and hilarious as she was tall and the girl I danced with was short, it's driving me crazy with all these girls lying to be someone they're not just to get their hands on on a crown or to try bag me but I'm smarter than that, I know women enough to know how they get when they desperately want something. I feel myself going crazy the longer I don't find her I want to hold her in my arms, kiss her and make her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world which she is, I don't care how long it takes I will find her because I know she's out there I can feel it as if we're connected. I start to get ready for tonight as I'm going to another house to search for her, since I'm royalty I always have dinner at each house before doing the whole shoe thing even though most of the time it's obvious the girl isn't my mystery girl.

I apologise for the long wait, I hope you enjoy this chapter

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