Long, Long ago

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Chapter 1

Cami's pov

A castle situated in New Orleans home to Prince Kol and Princess Davina and their three beautiful children Nina, Gabriel and Faith. It's dark out and late, the Prince and Princess were putting their​ children to bed.

Kol's pov

I laugh as Gabriel tries hiding from me and Davina to avoid going to bed, the little lad is cheeky just as I was when I was his age. It's now 7 at night and we're putting our beloved children to bed well trying to but our little darlings just don't want to go to bed tonight. Our eldest Nina she's 6 years old and is as beautiful as her mother but she's a cheeky madam which I think is due to her spending way to much time with my sister Rebekah, our son Gabriel is 5 years old and he's a proper little monkey which he gets from me obviously and he tends to copy his sister Nina alot too and then there's Faith our youngest she's 3 years old and is an adorable little thing now she isn't as boisterous as her siblings she's actually quite shy which is adorable but there are moments where she can be a right little madam. The kids had spent the day with my brother Niklaus and his wife Cami as me and Davina were at a doctors appointment for Davina as she is 4 months pregnant with our fourth child and after the appointment we went out for a nice meal before we had to see some duties, my brother bought the children back an hour and a half ago and they were hyped up on sugar which we specifically told him not to give them too much sugar but being the bugger he is, he decided to fuel our children up with sugar. "Come on it's time to go to bed it's been a really long day" Davina calls out down the hallway looking both ways in search of Nina and Faith, I quickly bend down and grab Gabriel from his hiding spot making him shriek into giggles "come on buddy bed time" I say holding him tightly but not so I'm hurting him only so he doesn't wiggle out of my hold "no daddy I want to play!" He shrieks "Gabe mummy's to tired to play right now come on I'll tell you a bed time story" I say making him calm down instantly "okay daddy" he says leaning his head against my shoulder as I enter his room "I want a bed time story too Daddy!" Nina yells running after me into Gabriel's room, Davina follows after holding Faith in her arms "come sit and I'll tell you one sweetheart" I say placing Gabriel on his bed before sitting in the bean bag chair situated next to his bed, Gabriel crawls on to the floor and Nina sits next to him, Davina sits next to me with Faith in her lap, I wrap an arm around Davina's​ shoulder pulling her close "so what story would you like me tell?" I ask "yours and mummy's story" Nina replies "you want to know our story?" I ask "yes how did you meet mummy" she says "well it's a very long story so I hope you're prepared for that" I say "please tell us daddy" Gabriel demands "okay okay sit still my children this story is one of a kind like your mother" I say kissing Davina's forehead making her smile "it all started a long, long time ago well 8 years ago to be exact" I begin

Chapter ends there but continues in the next chapter starting by telling of Kol's life style, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay tuned for the next

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