*I ask in disbelief, she just smiles. I look at her strangely and with distrust apparent on my face.

-Tina: No such things, I'm being truthfully here.. completely honest. I am truly sorry, I was in a bad place at that time.
The only thing I saw and lived in was bad things since I got the accident.

With no memories of my past and being around such awful people, well you can imagine.. maybe that influenced me and made me be that way.

I know that it's no excuse and that it is hard to believe.. but I am really sorry. Please forgive me.
I was really bad to you and also.. I was such a bitch. I have caused you pain and I'm sincerely and deeply sorry for that.

*I don't say anything, I just listen to her. She was speaking with such sadness and regret, I could see misery in her eyes.. and believe it or not I think she is really sorry or maybe she's just a good actress.

-Tina: I remember everything from my past now, I started to get my memories back like a week after you left. Since then I've been trying to redeem myself.. to prove to everyone that I am no more that wicked, cruel and ambitious person.. but that I am back to my old self.

But the one person that I needed to apologize more to was you and you weren't there. Nobody knew where you were, I wanted to apologize and show my respects personally to my Alpha Female.

*She says finishing with a small smile, I don't know what to think.. maybe she's sincere maybe not. I couldn't really tell. I look at her suspiciously than I turn my head to side while I look outside.

-Me: Don't call me that, I'm not your Alpha Female.

-Tina: You are, I'm sorry to say it.
You can deny it all you want,  but you are.
You're Christian's mate, you mated with him already.. remember that you have the scent on you.

-Me: It doesn't matter, none of that matters now. We are not together anymore.

*I kept looking away while I say those words.

-Tina: I won't bother you with that anymore if you don't want to.

-Me: Oh.. thanks.

*I say sarcastic and looking at her, she notice my reaction and say.

-Tina: I understand that you don't believe me now, and that it's hard to believe someone that made your life hell, but hopefully with time I will show you how sorry I am and that I really changed

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-Tina: I understand that you don't believe me now, and that it's hard to believe someone that made your life hell, but hopefully with time I will show you how sorry I am and that I really changed.

*I look away once again without saying a word, there was an awkward silence between us for a few seconds.

-Tina: Please give me a chance.

*She say pleading.

-Me: How did you find me?

*I say looking directly at her, ignoring her plead.

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