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"Hobi!! Where are you~" Jungkook called in a sing-song tone, looking under the dining table, in search of Hoseok.

It was time to go to work after they ate breakfast, and Hoseok is being naughty, hiding from Jungkook because he didn't want to go to college.

"Hoseok! Come out right now. You don't want daddy to punish you, do you?" Jungkook said, a smirk forming on his lips as he saw Hoseok's pink hair poking out from one of the kitchen cabinets.

Hoseok gulped at the tone Jungkook used but continued hiding. "Found you!!" "AHHHH" Hoseok screamed as Jungkook pulled him out and sat him on his lap.

"We are almost late babe, let's get you ready." Jungkook said. "Can we just stay at home? Pretty please?" Hoseok said, making the puppy eyes.

Jungkook shook his head, trying his best to ignore those eyes. "No Hoseok, you already missed college this whole week, you are not missing it again."

Jungkook strictly said and picked the pouting younger up as he walked upstairs to Hoseok's room.

Jungkook put Hoseok down on the bed and went to the closet to pick Hoseok clothes, while Hoseok just kept pouting, he just wanted to stay home and spend some quality time with his daddy, is that too much to ask?

Jungkook dressed Hoseok up and carried him to the car, driving him to his college.

Jungkook stopped the car as they arrived at the college entrance, "I'll pick you up later, okay baby?" Jungkook asked as he grabbed Hoseok's face, cubbing his cheeks.

"Okay..." Hoseok mumbled, he was still upset that he couldn't stay home, he hated college.

Jungkook sighed and kissed his forehead, "I promise I'll spend lots of time with you when we aren't busy, and the weekends so be a good boy and go to your classes, i promise I'll make it up to you, Okay?"

Hoseok nodded, smiling, it was like he's being flicked on by how quickly his mood changed.

"Okay Kookie, See you later!!" Hoseok quickly kissed the other's cheek and ran out of the car, blushing.

Jungkook chuckled and drove away smiling to himself, Hoseok really changed his life, he used to be grumpy all the time, now he smiles just because of the younger.


Jungkook parked his car and entered his company, the employees bowing to him, as he just walked past them as always.

He plopped on his office chair and took a deep breath before opening his computer, thousands of unread emails waiting for him to read, he sighed.

"Jungkook, your parents called." Jimin said as he entered and sat on the couch.

Jungkook sighed again, "What do they want?" He asked, "Your mom said that they are taking a break and not getting back till next year, and to look after the company." Jimin answered.

"Whatever..." Jumgkook mumbled as he continued reading the emails.

"Why didn't Hoseok come to work yesterday?" Jimin asked, it was unusual for Hoseok to skip work.

"I may or may not have fucked him." Jungkook casually said.

"W-what!? Did you rape him? Oh my God Jungkook, I did not raise you like this!!" Jimin yelled getting up from the couch with wide eyes.

"Calm down, I didn't rape him, he let me and I think you might be forgetting that he is my boyfriend. Also I'm the one who raised your tiny ass, not the other way around." Jungkook smirked.

My innocent baby (HOPEKOOK)✔️Where stories live. Discover now