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    Hoseok woke up at 7:50 the next morning because of the sun coming through his open window, he rubbed his eyes and got out of the bed taking a clean towel with him.

    Hoseok opened the water, and started taking a shower using his strawberry shampoo for his hair as he hummed and played with the water as always.

   After 15 minutes, Hoseok finished showering and rubbed the towel on his waist, making his way back to the closet. He searched for a decent clothing, like a suit or something.

    He honestly didn't have that many since he doesn't go anywhere other than the cafe he used work at and the college, as he didn't have to wear something professional.

   After awhile of digging into his closet, he found a suit that he didn't even know he had. He changed into the suit and brushed his hair making them fluffy.

    Hoseok was ready at 8:20, he wasn't that hungry so he just sat on the couch shaking, he never went to a big company let alone work at one.

Jungkook parked his car on the given address and got out and knocked on the door as it didn't have a ringing bell.

    Seconds later Hoseok opened the door,

   Jungkook's breath hitched as he saw Hoseok, God was he beautiful, he was literally an angel "fuck" he cursed under his breath, realizing he stared too much making the poor boy look down

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   Jungkook's breath hitched as he saw Hoseok, God was he beautiful, he was literally an angel "fuck" he cursed under his breath, realizing he stared too much making the poor boy look down.

  "Good morning hyung." Hoseok did a little bow still looking down, Jungkook cleared his throat, "Good morning, Hobi, let's go now." Hoseok nodded as he locked his door and got in the car with Jungkook and drove off.

      They were silent all the way until they reached the company, Hoseok looked out of the window and his eyes widened as he saw how huge it was, now he was more nervous.

    Jungkook saw the way Hoseok's legs shake a little and put his hand in the boy's shoulder in a comforting way, "Hey it's okay, don't be nervous, you'll get used to it after awhile, now let's get in, you'll be okay, okay?"

     Hoseok was looking down as the employees were greeting them good morning as they walked past, finally they made it the elevator as Hoseok let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

     "Are you nervous?" Jungkook asked looking down the younger. "Y-yes, there are a lot of p-people..." he stuttered, "don't think about the people just focus, Okay?" Hoseok nodded.

   The door opened and they stepped out of the elevator, Hoseok quietly followed behind the taller as they stopped in front of a door that says, "CEO, JUNGKOOK."   In bold letters,

My innocent baby (HOPEKOOK)✔️Where stories live. Discover now