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    It was the next morning, Hoseok woke up with red, puffy eyes because of all the crying he did last night. He looked around,

   Seokjin was not next to him anymore. He left. Hoseok held back his tears as he got in the bathroom, took care of his hygiene and made his way out of the door without breakfast.

   Hoseok looked sad, as he was looking down, not smiling as always. The people he always walked past were surprised, the sunshine boy was not smiling, something real bad must have happened, they thought.

   Hoseok was walking slowly as he kicked stones here and there, when a black, expensive car pulled in front of him. He looked up and recognized the car as it was the car that Jungkook used when he picked him up about two weeks ago.

   Jungkook rolled his window down, "Hoseok! Get in, I'll drive you to where you are going." He said, "No thank you, I'm going to take the bus, I don't want to waste your time."

    Hoseok said as he kept walking. "Wait, what happened?" Jungkook asked as the boy's eyes were red, he looked like he's been crying. He drove in front of him again, stopping Hoseok to walk any further.

   Hoseok sighed, looks like he's have to get in. Hoseok didn't answer, he just got in the passenger sit and wore the sit belt. "Where are are you going?" Jungkook asked as he started driving.

   "Bangtan university." He answered looking out the window.  "Were you crying?" Jungkook asked after awhile. Hoseok just nodded looking down, he was starting to cry again.

"Jin-hyung left." Hoseok said, his eyes already getting teary. Jungkook guessed that this "Jin-hyung" guy must be the one that called Hoseok the night they met and decided not to talk about him as it made Hoseok sad.

  "Hey, do you work?" Jungkook asked all of a sudden. "Well I used to." 
"Did you get fired?" It doesn't even make sense to fire someone like Hoseok. "No, I worked at hyung's cafe, now that he's gone I am looking for another job." Hoseok was sure he wouldn't find any job soon since he was not good at anything.

     "Do you want to work at my company?" He asked as he stopped at a red light. "Wait...what!! Why would you want someone like me to work at such a big company?... I don't even know what to do...."

"Are you good with computers?" Jungkook asked, "Yeah... I take computer classes."
"You are hired." He said as he parked in front of the college. "Huh? I-l'm hired?, what do you mean?" Hoseok honestly was not ready.

    "I said you are hired, do you have classes tomorrow?"  "No.." Hoseok took off his sit belt, getting ready to get out.

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow and show you around the company so get ready." Hoseok stepped out of the car and bowed a little, "Thank you hyung, wait can I call you that?" He asked unsure if he could say that.

"You can call me whatever you want, kid, now go you'll be late." Jungkook said, "hyung I told you am not a kid!!," Hoseok pouted, closing the car door as he ran to the college doors.
Jungkook just chuckled as he drove off, the kid was too adorable for his own good.

   Jungkook entered the company as all the employees bowed to him, girls whispering about how handsome he is. Getting in the elevator he pressed the  50th floor because that's where his office is.

    Jungkook sat on his chair as soon as he got in his office, shortly after Jimin came in with papers in his hand.

    "Kim taehyung's coming this afternoon, I arranged a meeting with him so you guys could talk about our next project together." Jimin informed, Jungkook just hummed.

      "Where did you go this morning, I didn't see you." Jimin asked as he laid down on the couch.

"Nowhere, by the way we have a new employee tomorrow so get ready to show him around the company."

Jimin quickly sat up curious about who this employee is, because he was sure they didn't need any new employees.

  "Wait why do we need a new worker?"
"Well you know these days the work became unbearably too much and you seem tired, he is also inexperienced so he would work beside you and help you with the little things like correcting mistakes on the worksheets, getting us coffee and running errands. You could also have a new friend."

"Wait are you indirectly telling me you don't want to be friends with me anymore? Honestly though that's so kind of you how old is he?" Jimin asked,

    "He is 19, a college student." Jungkook answered, eyes glued on the computer.
"Hmm... interesting, get ready for the meeting, he is coming in 15 minutes."


Hoseok had a dance practice before he came home so he was exhausted. He unlocked his door and threw his book bag on the couch, as he walked to his room and picked out fresh set of clothes making his way to the bathroom to take a shower.

After Hoseok took a shower, he opened his fridge and find nothing decent to eat so he just made himself a bowl of cereal, it wasn't the best option to eat cereal at 4:57pm in the afternoon but he had no choice.

Sitting down on his pink couch, he grabbed the remote control and put on some random game show and started eating his cereal.

After about 30 minutes of just staring into space, Hoseok was about to bring his bowl to the kitchen when his phone rang, "Jungkook-hyung" was calling, he answered quickly and put the phone on his ear.

"H-hi hyung," he greeted shyly,
"Hey Hoseok? Are you ready for tomorrow?" Jungkook sounded kinda excited.  "No, b-but I'll be ready tomorrow."
"Okay, I'll pick you up at 8:30. Now go to sleep. And send me your address. See you tomorrow." And the call ended.

Hoseok sent his address  turning off his phone and went to bed

Tomorrow is gonna be a long day, He thought.

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I showed one of my friends this book and she told me that it sucks and I should delete it, that did discouraged me a lot but am not deleting it. I hope I get better.💜💜
Me right now....

💜💜Me right now

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