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It was the next day and Jungkook was in his office typing something on his computer peacefully until Jimin came and ruined it,

      "Jungkook, you down for clubbing tonight? I'm sure there are hot ladies since it's a Friday night."

    "No thank you." Jungkook stopped fucking random people since he met Hoseok, he just felt it was wrong.

   "What? Why? Have you changed? Are you finally getting into a serious relationship?" Jimin asked excited, finally his friend was getting into a serious relationship, he thought.

   "Nope, and relationships are a waste of time anyway, I'm picking Hoseok up so Bye." Jungkook stood up, taking his coat on his way out.

   "Are you sure you are not hitting on that cute kid?" Jimin smirked, "I swear to God, you and your wild imagination.." Jungkook shook his head and headed to the elevator,

    "You didn't deny it, you like that kid. Oh my God!!!" Jimin yelled.

       Finally Jungkook was on the way to Hoseok's apartment, so he decided to call, to let him know he was coming. It rang three times, before Hoseok answered,

"Hello hyung?" He spoke cheerfully,
"Hi Hoseok are you home yet?"
"No hyung, but it's almost time to go home." Hoseok said in whisper, maybe he was still in the class?

"Okay but wait me in front of the building, I'll pick you up from there, and before you say something, I'm already on my way, see you in a few minutes," and Jungkook hanged up the phone before Hoseok could speak, turning the car to the other way.

Three minutes later, Jungkook was already in front of Hoseok's college building.

He waited few more minutes when he saw Hoseok coming out with two other guys beside him, Hoseok looked uncomfortable as one of the guys started touching his butt slightly.

Jungkook's blood boiled as his face turned red from the anger rising from his body, he quickly got out of the car, closing the door aggressively.

Jungkook yanked Hoseok's hand, making the poor boy almost fall. "Don't you fucking touch him, you fucking assholes, or I'll fucking burn you both and throw your disgusting ashes to the lake!!!" Jungkook raised his voice sending them a death glare, if looks could kill, they would both be dead already.

The two guys had a scared expression on their faces as they hurriedly left, from the way they dressed, they looked like spoiled rich brats.

Jungkook looked back at Hoseok who was scared and confused, he sighed and dragged the younger to his car, regretting for making him scared. Hoseok never saw Jungkook so angry, he looked scary.

Once they both entered the car Hoseok asked, "H-hyung w-why?" He asked with a shaky voice, "Didn't you see the way those disgusting shits were touching you?"Jungkook asked as he started driving,

Hoseok just stared at him, not understanding anything, the older sighed again, "Just don't let anyone touch you okay?"

"O-Okay" Hoseok was honestly still confused. "Did you eat lunch?" He asked, "Y-Yeah."


     As soon as they entered Jungkook's office, Hoseok saw two unfamiliar people sitting on the couch, the shorter one had a blond hair and the other had light brown hair, just like jimin's.

    "What's up Taehyung and Yoongi?" Jungkook greeted, sitting on his chair and Hoseok awkwardly standing in front the door,

     "Nothing much, I just came here to let you know that me and Yoongi are having our engagement party on this Sunday, so i would like it if you could come, and who is this?" Taehyung asked pointing to Hoseok.

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