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As soon as he left, Hoseok entered the cafe closing the door behind himself, "Hobi!!" Seokjin yelled as he ran to the younger, embracing him into a warm hug, "Jin-hyung, I'm sorry for making you worried last night."

Hoseok said feeling bad, "it's okay Hobi, as long as you are safe . "Now tell me did that guy do anything to you?" Jin asked as he let go of him. "No hyung, he was good to me." Hoseok answered smiling.

"Good, did you eat?" Jin asked "yes hyung am full now." Hoseok said touching his belly. "Okay let's start working now customers are coming already." Jin said as he turned the closed sign to open.


    It's been two weeks since that day, Jungkook didn't even call him, not that he was expecting. Hoseok was chilling on his couch doing nothing, his life was boring to be honest, all he does is go to college, go to the cafe after that, do homework, watch cartoons until he falls asleep and repeat. The only exciting thing about his life was seeing Seokjin.

There was a knock on the door, Hoseok got up and opened the door, already knowing who it is. Jin called him earlier, about an hour ago, telling him he was gonna visit to tell him something.

"Come in Jin-hyung" Hoseok said stepping aside so he could get in. Jin got in the small apartment and sat down on the couch seeing cartoons were playing on the TV. He smiled, Hoseok was honestly a child at the heart.

"You still watch cartoons?"
"Yeah, cartoons are fun." Hoseok said as he closed the door and made himself comfortable beside the elder. Jin didn't say anything and just stared into space, he somewhat looked sad.

Hoseok decided to start a conversation, "Hyung, what were you going to tell me?" He asked

"I'll tell you later, let's just watch movies for now. I'll make popcorn, while you pick something Okay?" He said as he went to the kitchen, he knew everything and anything about the house since he visited the younger so many times.

"Okay hyung, it's been awhile since we watched movies together, I'm happy." Hoseok giggled as he was going trough his movie collections.

Jin sighed sadly, already knowing what is gonna happen when he tells him the news.

Hoseok and Jin has been watching movies all evening and now it was late as they finished their 3rd movie. Jin decided to tell him now. He grabbed the remote control from Hoseok and turned the volume down,

"Hobi, listen I'll tell you now..."Jin started. Hoseok mentioned to the other to continue as he payed his full attention to the elder.

"Me and Namjoon are leaving..." he said as he looked up the younger.
"What? Why hyung? Where?" Hoseok asked with shaky voice.

"New York, Namjoon received an offer from someone in NY to work together and create their own music company, so he accepted it and I'm going with him, I'm really sorry
Hobi-ah." He said as he hugged the other.

Hoseok was already sobbing, he never thought this day will come.

"When are you going?" He asked between sobs, "Tomorrow, sorry I couldn't tell you earlier, I didn't want you to get sad." Hoseok was sobbing louder now, Jin was running his hand on the younger's back to comfort him as he held back his tears.


A bloody eight year old Hoseok was crying in front of a crushed car, he was the only one that survived the accident as both his parents died in the car.

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