Chapter Twenty-two: "Just like you."

Start from the beginning

"Why?" I had a sarcastic remark planned but this probably isn't the time.

"Because everything I told you last night was true. I promise you." His eyes close as if he's waiting for me to reject him.

What did I say earlier?

If he confirmed everything he said last night, today, while he was completely sober, then I would be all in. Just like that.


"Please don't say it."

"I'm jus-"

"I know you don't feel the same way but please just le-"

"Can yo-" He's talking over me.

"-t me shower you in all my love and affection? I won't stop trying." He has a determined gaze on his face as he grips my shoulders.

"Alexander Makai!"

"Sophia, I do-"

"Can you please let me talk?" I beg. Alexander finally opens his eyes and exhales. He nods before shutting up.

"I was trying to say, it's okay. I know. I feel the same way about you too." I admit, seeing the grown man in front of me nearly breakdown. He toughens it out before letting out the brightest smile ever.

"I need to learn to shut up."

"Indeed." I let out a laugh while staring at the overly happy man in front of me. I couldn't lie, I'm a bit happy too. It was like me bein a kid having my cookie taken away from me when I tried to store my feelings away. Now that I have told him about my feelings, it's like my mother bought me a whole pack of cookies.. just for me.

Weird analogy. I know.

"Can I kiss you?" Alexander's voice snaps me out of my thoughts as I feel his warm hands caressing my cheek.

I responded by closing the space between our lips, kissing him. He holds my face to his while his tongue snakes into my mouth, molding against mine. Alexander takes my bottom lip into his mouth, harshly sucking it. I could feel the blood begin to rush to that area as he tugged on it. A moan escaped my mouth as he pulled away.

"Come on, I want you to eat." He says.. really he demands it, pulling me away before I even have the chance to catchy breath. He walks me up the stairs and into his bedroom before pushing me onto his bed.

"I thought I was eating?" I say, seeing him retreat.

"You are... breakfast in bed. I'll be back. After you eat, I can get my breakfast." He sends a wink my way before departing from the room, leaving me a hot, blushing mess.

What was it with Alex leaving me high and dry - wet - these past couple days?

I sit around for a minute before hearing Alexander return. He kicks open the door, the gift bag on his arm while he left the tray that had the food on it. He puts the tray on the bed next to me since my stomach provides no more lap room. The gift bag goes on the floor next to me and Alexander sits on my bed. His bed.

"I have something for you. I got this for you for Christmas, but it was too soon." He explained before reaching into the bag.

I looked at the bag, seeing the words. 'HAPPY VALENTINES DAY' it read.

It was February 14th already?

Alexander pulls out a medium sized velvet box, opening it slowly. The box opens to reveal a necklace and a ring. The necklace had a A on it, standing for Alexander I'm sure. By the way the sun hit the necklace, I could see their was a inscription on it.

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