"How are you feeling?" Ruby braved as she handed Weiss her cup of tea, looking up her to meet her eyes.

Unfortunately, she met Weiss gaze that was as cold as the wind of winter, sending a shiver down the huntress' back. Ruby averted her eyes immediately once Weiss took her cup.

"We're talking now?" Three words that made Ruby's heart falter. Is Weiss still upset? She didn't understand a single bit as to why she was still mad.

"Won't you just...tell me what I did wrong?" Ruby answered in defeat. Weiss sadly looked at her, not knowing if to take pity on her or be more mad.

The heiress took a sip from her tea before placing it down on the table next to her before she looked at Ruby with eyes full of contempt.  "Have you forgotten?"

Ruby looked up to meet her eyes and in a split of a second felt a sharp pain on her cheek, Weiss placing her hand down. Stumped from this, she can't think of a reason for her deserve it but once she looked back at Weiss with her simply loathing her.

"You swore that night. Under the moonlight like a romantic...I must be a fool to even trust anyone. But I did. You broke your promise, Ruby!" Weiss screamed, grabbing Ruby's chin to make her meet her eyes full of anger.

Ruby didn't dare talk back as Weiss searched her eyes for something. "I took you for a lady of her word but I was a fool to even believe you were going to stay true to it! A fool! You told me you'd tell me the truth...all of it..."

The heiress was shaking, her eyes welling up tears from sheer frustration. "That's one condition for you to stay in my home! That's all I'm asking for. The truth."

She let go of Ruby, frowning. "Now it's either you tell me the truth or leave my home and break ties with me. If you're not keeping a promise then forget whatever I am to you. Friend or otherwise."

Ruby's lips quivered. "N-no...I'll tell you everything just please... Please don't make me leave." She begged, tears falling down her face as she looked up at her.

"Then talk." Weiss demanded.

Ruby took a moment to compose herself. "Cinder helped kill my mother but she was a very close friend to us. She betrayed us to making us think she wasn't an enemy. I know I killed her. I tried to kill her to get back for killing my mother but someone must have helped her. Cinder betrayed us with your father. They...they must have known each other because they both tried to kill us."

Weiss didn't know if she wants to wipe Ruby's head on the floor or snap her neck. Was it that hard to tell her?

"Why were you holding that back from me? You...you think my father's betrayal, his worst behavior is going to hurt me? Why did you have to hide that from me?" She demanded, unhappy from this revelation.

"Because your father knew Cinder before your mother. They must have something still if Cinder's alive. If she is alive, then it's either your father helped her recover or she's coming back to finish the job to kill your father or me--I don't know! I was...I was scared because that means I might lose you if you got into a fight with her and..."

"I may not be as strong as you but I'm not helpless. I have my own semblance, I train hard as much as I can. You take me as if I'm damsel. Honestly, I don't know how to even...take action for this." Weiss frowned, disappointed at Ruby.

The huntress looked down, ashamed of her own actions. She underestimated Weiss too much to undermine her strengths and belittled her. That was her fault.

"Centuries of Schnees, Ruby. I have read every life of my ancestors, each and everyone of them treated wrongly and most of them betrayed by the people they are closest with. I think I can handle whatever my family's worst." Weiss slipped off the bed and drank her tea, her own feelings overlapping and murky as the liquid in her cup

"I'm sorry, Weiss. I'm really sorry." Ruby apologized, defeated.

"Don't repeat it if your promise is binding as you tell me it is. You are the last person who'd break a promise and this just proves that I'm wrong. Now leave me alone for now." Weiss turned to her. "Prove to me I can still trust you."

Ruby didn't know how but if it was to make Weiss trust her again, she'll do her best. She just prays that she doesn't screw up.

"...Is it dinner time yet?" Weiss asked out of the blue, the gurgling of her stomach following. "By no means am I forgiving you yet but..."

Ruby wiped off her tears and managed to smile. "Yeah, I'm sure the kitchen staff made some dishes to help you recover."


Weiss stood up and took the journal in her hands, fixing her night gown and slipping into her slippers before proceeding to leave the clinic.

"W-wait! But your injuries--" The girl reached on to the heiress but she turned with a small grin.

"I'm fine." She replied before proceeding out of the infirmary to which Ruby followed quickly with the tray of barely touched tea.

"Are you...sure?" The huntress can't help but ask with her brows furrowed.

Weiss looked at her, a brow arched high in question. "Ruby, we have finals soon. My grades are going to suffer if I keep going down here."

She's right. Ruby didn't stop her stubborn-ass teammate from going upstairs and just followed her to dinner.

Hey guys~ Thanks for being patient with this story. I'm glad you all still wait for every chapter patiently.

My term's almost done so I hope you can be a little more patient with me and the book.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment~ Say Hi! Have a nice day~


The Bloodstained RoseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant