Thirty Five |

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Tears brimmed in my eyes as I stared up at her. I wasn't a monster. I refused to be a monster. My blood may have helped destroy the world but I had no part in that – I was just a child! I couldn't help as tears dripped freely down my face yet I couldn't bring myself to move.

The phantom woman who called herself Mira, laughed bitterly, "The more you pretend to be weak, the longer you will suffer. Start with that foolish bastard – Landon. Show him he is of no compare to us. Make him suffer."

Anger pumped through me and I threw out my hand – knocking her foot off my chest. She barely stumbled as her foot was moved, however she did rest it back on the ground. At this, I pushed myself up and crossed my arms over my chest. I was done playing around.

"Why are you here?" I demanded, "What are you?"

She rolled her eyes, extending her hands out on either side of herself. The twisted grin on her face grew even larger as she posed in the wedding dress. The veil now covered part of her face but didn't seem to bother her. I took a step back as I realized she now stood in a puddle of crimson blood.

"I am," she drawled out dramatically, "What you wish you could be."

My brows furrowed as I stared at her, "I-I don't understand."

"You will."

My mind returned back to me quickly. Unfortunately, what I awoke to was my body on fire. I couldn't move – I couldn't breathe. Everything hurt, every fiber of my body screamed in agony as every nerve ending flared with an inexhaustible, raging fire.

This went on for what felt like hours – hours turned to days, days into years then years into decades. Time felt lost to me as I continued to burn. I felt as if I could go insane, yet somehow the torture kept my mind stable.

"Erin? Can you hear me?"

My heart caught as the voice reached even the deepest parts of me. It sounded so rich and firm, so familiar. Somehow the voice seemed to calm the fire devouring me and I found focus in my limbs. A gentle breeze blew over me – I could feel it.

Someone touched my burning skin lightly – their cold fingers were kind to the burning flesh. A sigh of relief blew from my lips only to have the fingers pull away. I tried to drift off back to sleep – the fire raged back to full power only, the BEEPing of an annoying machine would not allow me to drift.

"What's going on?"

"Get my dad-Doctor Brown! Her blood pressures falling – I-don't know what to do!"

"Flynn help her she's dying!"

Dying. If only fate would be that kind. The longer I burned, the more I could hear. I could extinguish voices despite my unmoving state. Jax, Leon, Flynn, Cam. Why...Why were they around me?

The fire flared, my organs groaned and I forced my mind away – anything to distract me. Keeping my mind preoccupied I thought of what had happened. I clearly had missed something in between now and when Landon had attacked me.

"I'm going to ask you all to leave the room," – Raymond's voice caught my attention – "Mira now's the time to fight with all you've got. You need to fight and to wake up. Don't allow Landon to win over your life."

I wanted to fight, I did but the fire... the flames... It was all too much and with the stress of the flames licking my body, my mind waivered and I finally drifted away. The abyss was cold and dark – the perfect escape from the terrible pain.

"Welcome back Erin."

My eyes opened to see I was no longer in the town of roses. Instead, I was pulled back into my mind – seated at a tea party with the phantom woman Mira. Looking around us, the large black table was seated in a peaceful, grassy green meadow. The sky was clear too – there was no traces of any blood, and for that I was grateful.

THE DEAD ZONE | COMPLETEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang