The Lover (Boy)

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A/N: For DiamondTearsTT thank you for your recommendation and continuing to read this story!

When the boys were invited over to Abhis for supper they didn't expect anything weird to happen. They had group suppers at the elders house often. As they pulled up to the house Taetae jumped out first and raised to the door. He knocked excitedly and prepared him to embrace Abhi. He did not expect however for a six foot three man who looked to be tattooed head to toe and built like a tank to answer instead.

While Tae froze in place the others approached. They were curious as to why the excitable member had not entered the appartment. Their confusion only increased when he suddenly ran back to the group.
"I think we have the wrong place" Tae said while looking behind him only to find the giant had followed him, "Run he's going to beat us up for knocking on his door" he whisper yelled at the other members. He then proceeded to hide behind Cookie dubbing him as the strongest member.
Before the boys could take action the supposed thug spoke up. "You're here for supper aren't you. Abs said you'd be here soon. Come in and wait." He said without showing much emotion. All members looked to Joonie who nodded following the unknown man into the familiar appartment. "I assume you've all been here before, just make sure Luke doesn't get out. Mr. Lee will get mad at us if he finds the cat in his garden again." He said without turning to the boys.
The boys all took off their shoes at the front door and entered. Sure enough it was the same apparentment with a few new accessories. Any doubt they had washed away when the familiar grey cat approached Yoo. There was no way that Abhi would leave the feline alone.
"Abs will be back soon, he just ran to grab a few last-minute items for supper. Make yourselves at home boys he will be back any moment." The stranger said effectively scaring Boo and Hobi. He gave them a small smile before returning to the kitchen. The boys all piled into the living room and began to brainstorm the possible identity of the stranger. Maybe an old college buddy, maybe Abhi owed some money and was being intimidated by the man, or Yoo's explanation which no one agreed with, maybe it was his roommate.
Finally after a while the front door opened signalling the return of their Hyung. The stranger met him at the door and took the bags out of his hands before gesturing to the boys and heading back into the kitchen. Abhi came over to the boys with a big smile on his face that quickly changed to worried as  he was pulled to sit within the boys huddle.
"What's wrong boys?" He asked.
"Hyung... There is a stranger in the house, are you okay?" Joonie whispered.
"Is he a gangster? Do you need help?" Taetae said a bit louder.
"I'll call the police!" Hobi said pulling out his phone.
"No!" Abhi yelled surprising the boys before continuing. "There's no need for that. I don't see why you guys are acting like this. I've introduced him to you before."
The boys thought about it and made a realization.


At the filming of the Fake Love music video Abhi showed up with the accompaniment of a man. At the time the boys assumed that he was a new body guard, and despite Abhi introducing him personally the boys did not make an effort to remember.

Another time Kookie had gone to Abhis office only to find the door closed. When he knocked the same guy left the office letting Kookie enter. Once again he didn't think much of it as Abhi was a therapist after all.

Finally there was the invitation to tonights dinner. Abhi had clearly invited them to 'our house' and said he had an announcement to make.

*End of Flashback*

Suddenly very embarrassed the boys collectively remembered the man. "Well I guess my plan to slowly introduce him into your lives was a failure." Abhi said rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey Eli can you come in here for a second."
"Just a second babe." Came the males voice from the kitchen. When be entered he smiled again. Abhi opened his arms to the larger man.
"Boys, this is my one and only Elliot. Eli these are the boys I've talked so much about." Abhi said with the biggest smile on his face.
While the boys stared blankly trying to process this information Eli responded. "Ya Ive heard so much about you it's like I already know you all." He said repositioning himself behind Abhi with his arms wrapped around his waist and rested his head on Abhis shoulder. They both waited for the boys reaction.

After a few moment the room was filled with smiled and congratulations. The supper was a great success. After dinner was finished Abhi went to the kitchen to fetch her dessert. While he was gone Eli started to look a bit nervous. Before the boys could question it Abhi returned with drinks and pie. After dishing everyone up he offered a toast but Eli stopped him. He stood up and approached Abhi before getting down on one knee.
"Abhinu you are the source of all my happiness and the person I hold most dear. Would you do me the greatest honor and marry me?" Abhi sat shocked before starting to cry. The boys waited with bated breath for the answer and it was Yoo who broke the silence.
"Well answer him Baka!" He yelled, and Abhi did just that.


A/N: what did you think. I'm on my way home so I should be updating more regularly now. I hope you enjoyed. Till next time!

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