The Lover (Girl)

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A/N: Requested by 

Thank you so much for leaving me comments and story ideas. This chapter is for you, so I hope you enjoy. Also, the picture above will make sense soon. 


As of late, the boys had noticed Abhi's odd behavior. Like leaving work early, and looking nice than usual. He was also very secretive about where he was going and with whom he was continually talking to on the phone. Finally, when the boys had a night off they decided to follow their Hyung when he again left early. 

The boys were sure to dress in incognito, meaning they stood out like sore thumbs. Either way, they followed Abhi while maintaining a safe distance. They had to duck behind a bush when the male they had been tailing suddenly came to a stop in front of a jewelry shop. Abhi entered and the boy watched as Abhi looked at a display of necklaces. This caused the bys to begin to imagine who he could be buying a gift for. Could Abhi have a secret lover? For TaeTae he began to spread theories about a possible love child to Cookie who hit him over the head. After a while, he finally purchased one and was again on the move. From what the boys could tell he had no idea he was being followed. 

The next stop was a general store. This caught the boys off guard and left them scrambling for a hiding spot. Still, Abhi seemed not to notice as he entered the store. He quickly went to the candy section and was quick to make a purchase of a candy that all of the boys hated, and that they knew Abhi did not enjoy himself. This confirmed that he was indeed buying for someone else. When Abhi exited the shop, the boys attempt to stay hidden was horrific. Yoo, Joonie, and Boo were smart enough to hide behind a large bush. Cookie hid behind a tree (picture up top), while TaeTae did the most embarrassing hiding of all of them. He hid behind a lamp post that was not even big enough to hide half of him. Finally, there was Jiminie and Hobi who seemed to pull a newspaper out of nowhere to fake read. Abhi did glance their way but made no attempt to acknowledge them, and once again continued to walk. 

As Abhi continued he began to text and walk. He looked as if he was going to completely pass a flower stall, but at the last minute paused. He picked up a small bundle of purple irises and brought it up to his nose to smell. Seeming satisfied he went inside and paid for them. 

Finally, they got to be what the boys assumed to be the final destination. They found themselves outside of a small family restaurant. The boys watched from outside as Abhi met up with a pretty girl. They hugged and Abhi led her to a big table by a window. The boys had never met the girl before but noticed that she looked quite foreign, being taller than most girls they knew. The boys situated themselves outside so they could snoop. At closer inspection, the girl had dark brown hair that flowed down her back in loose curls and sparkling brown eyes. One thing that was clear from looking at them was that Abhi was completely infatuated by her every move. As they watched Abhi kissed the girls hand before handing her first the box containing the necklace. She seemed to make a fuss about not needing it which made Abhi smile. Next Abhi handed her the flowers that she again became flustered over. Though they couldn't hear what was being said, they could assume it was a thank you. Finally, Abhi handed her the treats which she was very excited about. SHe even had the courage to open it right there in the restaurant and shove a handful into her mouth. Abhi reacted quickly grabbing her hands while laughing and mockingly scolding her. After this, the two chatted for a bit. 

The boys gathered together to begin sharing their hypothesizes for what was going on. TaeTae stuck to his explanation of a love child which was quickly shut down by the others. They were interrupted by a call to Joonie's phone. It was from an unknown number. Thinking that it might be for work he answered and was shocked to hear the voice that came through. 

As Joonie's head whipped in the direction of the restaurant and he made eye contact with Abhi he heard, "Are you guys coming in or not cause we'd like to order." 

After taking a minute to get over his initial shock Joonie explained that they'd been compromised and they made their way inside. They went to the table that Abhi occupied and quickly realized that he knew they were there the whole time. Their first clue was the size of the table which could easily accommodate their huge group. The second was the bag sitting next to the girl that was filled with all of the group's favorite treats. As they neared Abhi stood and ushered them to sit. He then introduced his female companion as his girlfriend. They also learned that this was a relationship that had been going on since Abhi was in high school. The boys all greeted her and she smiled back. 

For more than an hour, the group sat and chatted about all sorts f things. About how the couple met in their high school culture club, and all about how embarrassingly clumsy Abhi was in his younger years. All along the boys got a good sense that girl was perfect for Abhi. She knew how to make him laugh and smile. 

But what erased any doubts in their minds was when she finally opened up the glorious bag of treats and explained that she had heard so much about them from Abhi that she knew she couldn't meet them empty-handed. 

After this, the band requested that Abhi bring his plus one everywhere he went. 


A/N: How was that? I hope it was good! I didn't put a name so that everyone could make it up for themselves. I am going to try and get 3 more chapters up before a depart, so keep your eyes open for the next few days. 

Till then ;) 

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