America #2

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A/N: Sorry that this took so long but this chapter is longer then any that I have written before. 

Just to clear something up, Abhi does have one leg. Due to the accident explained in the intro, he has a prosthetic. Thanks to a lot of hard work, he is capable of doing basically everything a normal person can do, just in short spurts. For example, if I am writing about them walking anywhere, you wouldn't notice anything wrong other then him leaning on someone or something to take the stress of his prosthetic from time to time. Or when I say he is dancing, he is still fully capable but doesn't push the limits of his false leg. If anyone has any questions let me know and I will clear them up. Besides that, I hope everyone continues to enjoy the book. 

This chapter includes a few youtube videos that don't belong to me. And I am going to do my best to go along with the interview, but try to include Abhi without making it awkward.

Thank you, everyone, for 1.64K reads! I have never had a book do so well!!! Thanks a lot!!!

During the time BTS spent in America there were many highlights. The BBMAs were definitely one of them and meeting other celebrities that they admired. One thing that they were very excited about was the interviews on the bigger names. Not that they didn't enjoy talking to fans, but you know you've made it into the big leagues when you get an interview with Ellen. Especially when it is for the second time. 

To start off their experience they were brought in to do their rehearsal and get situated in a waiting room. All members were grateful to find out that Abhi would once again be accompanying them as their interpreter, rather than the stranger from their previous experience. Again, BTS was never the type of group to complain, but it was easier to get a flow in an interview when you are familiar with the interpreter. It also helped that Abhi would make them sound smart as he filtered their answers from Korean to English. 

When the show began the boys watched from their waiting room. It was just as exciting to be on Ellen for the second time, this time with an interpreter that they knew. Just before the boys were called our they asked Abhi to come to the stage. With a confused look be left the boys saying that he would see them out there. On stage, he was surprised to see how big the crowd of fans were but smiled and waved. Ellen ushered him into the guest seat after a quick hug.

"So you are the interpreter for the boys?"

"Yes, but only while in America. I actually work as the boys on-call therapist and wellbeing coach. If they are having any issues be it mentally or physically I give them any help I can." Abhi explained.

"And can you introduce yourself?" she asked. 

"Of course. Hi everyone, my name is Abhinu Sejin, but Abhi works fine for me. My father was a Canadian so I learned English at a young age and I have been with BTS since before they were even founded." Abhi explained looking at the crowd. He was happy to hear Abhi cheer after his introduction and a few called out for him making him laugh. 

"Well thank you for coming today. We have a minute to start if you want to take a seat to my left and I can explain something to you?"

"Of course," Abhi said getting up and quickly moving to the next seat. After which Ellen leaned over and whispered about her plan to scare the boys into his ear just to be sure it was okay. Abhi just chuckled and nodded saying to be sure to have it played back cause the reactions would be great. 

And then the interview commenced. (9:12 to 13)

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