Special Moments: Joonie

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A/N: I don't know why but I had a hard time writing this one, hence the filler chapter that came earlier. Sorry if these are not the best scenarios, but they are what my brain was able to come up with. Either way, read on!

One day when Joonie was angry with the other boys he spent the entire week speaking only in English. This was an effective punishment as the only person that could really understand him was Abhi, who thought this was a safe way of releasing his frustration and good practice. Only when all boys, including Suga, finally apologized did Joonie give up his vow of English.

As the leader of the group, it was common for Joonie to feel a different kind of stress than the other boys. He mostly kept the stress to himself, but of course, there was one exception. When Joonie was particularly stressed out he would barge into Abhi's apartment and demand a friends marathon. The older always said yes, and sometimes recommended other English shows that he assumed Joonie would love. Getting to spend time away from the stress of work was wonderful, and the environment in Abhi's apartment was stress free.

It was common knowledge that the clumsiest person in the group. Over time he began to accept himself for this quality and didn't get very embarrassed. That is until one day he was in PD-nim's office along with Abhi waiting for his boss to come back. They were set to have a meeting about the newest concept for the band. They had been waiting for a while, so Joonie began to snoop at the trophies and awards on a shelf. Abhi was busy talking to his mom and the phone and only paid attention to Joonie when he heard a crash. There on the floor laid one of the trophies from the bosses childhood. Joonie all but froze, and he only began to sweat worse when he heard footsteps approaching. Suddenly he was pulled into a seat and Abhi laid on the ground by the trophy, pretending to be passed out. The only instructions he gave Joonie was "play along!" When the office door open Joonie jumped to his feet and ran to his passed out hyung and began to fuss over him. Soon PD-nim was also at his side and Abhi finally "regained consciousness". He played his part well as he asked where he was and what happened. He also said that he suddenly felt faint and could stay on his feet. Once they got him moved to a chair he pretended to finally see the broken trophy. He apologized, and his boss told him it didn't matter as long as he was alright. Once all the drama was over and they decided to remove their meeting Abhi threw Joonie a wink which only succeeded in reminding Joonie what a good hyung Abhi was. And how truly scary his Hyung was for being able to find an excuse so fast. Respect!

Joonie new that his relationship with Abhi was something special when the older began to open things for him. At Christmas, the older sat to his left and would take his presence as he finished with the wrapping paper and got whatever it was out of the packaging. Afterward, he would also clean up all of the messes that Joonie had caused without being prompted. 

(A/N: I don't know if this is a real thing!) For Joonie's birthday, Abhi took him and the other boys on an adventure. It was a surprise trip, so no one knew where they were going. All had to wear blindfolds and only got to take them off when they had arrived at their destination. Joonie almost began to cry when he saw the amusement park sign that let them know they had just entered 'Ryan Land'. For the entire day, they spent their day riding rides and enjoying the others company. The day ended with Abhi giving Joonie one last grand surprise. A limited addition Ryan statue. Namjoon was able to chalk it up to an amazing day, and one of the best birthdays he had ever had. 

Part of being a leader is learning to speak in public and to large amounts of people. While Joonie was ready for the challenge, he did have a secret weapon. For the first few times that he needed to address the public, he would place Abhi in the middle of the crowd and speak directly to him. On occasion, Abhi would help him with prompts from the audience, or simply offer a freidnly face to help the leader react. Either way, to this day Joonie feels much more at ease talking in public when he has Abhi watching over him.

When he was told that he was to give a speech at the UN, Joonie was terrefied. While he knew that his english was good, he ould not help but doubt his abilities. It was Abhi who got him out of this funk. THey practiced together relentlecly and Joonie's confidnece increased. While Abhi was not able to attend the UN conference in person, he still found a way to be with Joonie. At the top of each of his speaking notes were little doodles of the elder who was smiling at him. Joonie did not know that Abhi had done this until he was on stage, but when it happened he couldn't help but smile. 

One of Joonie's favorite parts of the interviews that take place when they are in America is Abhi's involvement. It is hilarious to hear him auto-translating the other members, and filtering in the case of Suga. For international audiences, Abhi managed to make Suga sound like a gentleman when in reality he was being quite blunt. Joonie was also grateful to have the help when he didn't understand the words, or when he was already frustrated with the other members. He couldn't help but feel a bit spoiled for having a Hyung that was willing to accompany them anywhere and who was able to help them engage with their fans. 

While Jimin was known for crashing V-lives, Abhi had this amazing power to embarrass the boys at the ideal moments. For instance, there was one time that Joonie was in his studio doing a V-Live when he began to hear a commotion outside. Apparently, someone had broken 3 plates and had left the dorm without admitting to it. Joonie knew it was him, and that there was no hiding, but unfortunately did not have time to shut off the camera before an angry Abhi brought his rath into the studio. It was a bad day for Joonie. 

A/N: What did you think? Next up is Hobi, so if you have any ideas let me know. Also, I want your guy's opinion on something. I have a My Hero Academia Fanfic that involves a relationship between a MaleOc and Shota Aizawa. What I want to know is if you guys want me to post that soon, or leave it until I am further into this one? Let me know, and remember that I take requests (for this story) so leave a vote or a comment and I'll update soon! Till then!!!!

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