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A/N: Any time you see * in the title of the chapter, these are shorts from my imagination, meaning that they are not from the BTS timeline. I am making up situations with my character Abhi to try and explain and show to all of you the kind of relationship he has with the boys. be sure to let me know if you enjoy this type of thing as I will do them more often, and feel free to make suggestions. Anyways enjoy!

Having been with the Big Hit company for so long, Abhi knew a lot about his surroundings. He knew where the best places to take a nap without getting caught. He knew how far you had to walk to get a decent meal at a good price. He knew where to hide the cat that he had been secretly keeping for going on three years without being caught. Well, that last one was no longer true. This is the story of how Big Hit got their unofficial mascot, Luka. 

Growing up, Abhinu's mom had an allergy to animals which prevented him from ever having on himself. This, however, did not stop him from loving them a lot. He would often nurse stray dogs and cats back to health in the family shed behind the house, before taking the animals to shelters. 

During his transition from regular high school student to Bit Hit trainee, he was suddenly hit with a huge change. He was no longer allowed the simple pleasures of freedom to go out and help animals. He was also forced to make relationships with others, who weren't always positive. Many of the trainees that he encountered had very big egos and thought themselves better than others. Due to his desire to get away from these toxic people he would often disappear. He would go exploring to find his future nap spots and hole in the wall dinners. It was during one of these excursions that he came across a gray cat. 

It was in the fall, and they had an unexpected snow storm. The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow, yet the air itself was not so bad. It was his desire to touch the snow that leads him outside. He knew that if he got caught he would be made to return, as he could get sick outside, thus he chose to explore the snow in the side streets. At some point, he got caught up in the feeling of pure bliss and fell to his back in a small pile of snow in a park. For a few minutes, he simply laid there and allowed the snowflakes to fall against his bare face. He could have laid there for hours had it not been for the sudden weight on his chest. Upon further inspection, there was a cat desperately attempting to burrow its way into his jacket. Assuming that the poor thing was simply cold he unzipped enough for the small creature to enter. It quickly hid in the darkness of the coat, but Abhi could feel it curling up against his stomach. For a while, he chose not to disturb the creature and resumed his gaze at the sky. 

Close to an hour had passed, and despite his best efforts to ignore it, Abhi began to feel the cold. Slowly he sat up and looked down into his jacket. A pair of bright green eyes looked back at him in confusion. He knew that is was pointless to talk to the creature but did so anyway.

"Do you have a home?" he asked with a soft voice. The cats head tilted to the side before moving. without leaving the warmth of jacket it stood up and placed its paws against his chest, looking directly into his eyes. He looked to see if the cat had any collar or tattoo but found none. "Do you need a home?" the cat simply pushed up against his neck before settling back down into his jacket to resume its nap. "I guess that's a yes," he said before standing up, and after adjusting the added weight to his stomach so that is rested on his arm he began the trek back to the dorms. 


Getting passed security was relatively easy as he had just nodded and continued on without giving them a chance to really look at him. He then found his favorite nap place which was conveniently in one of the mechanical rooms on the third floor. he had made himself a makeshift bed out of blankets and other things in the back corner of the room. He did have suspicions that someone in maintenance had to have found his spot, but nothing was ever said. He set the cat down on a pile of blankets before finally getting a real good look at it. The cat was, in fact, a male and was beautiful. It was at that moment that he decided that he could not separate from this cat. 

Over the next few months, people began to have suspicions as Abhi would sneak in the oddest things like cat toys and food

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Over the next few months, people began to have suspicions as Abhi would sneak in the oddest things like cat toys and food. The oddest by far was a scratch post that when questioned went well with the decor in his room. It didn't take an investigator to know what was going on, but it continued. While Bang PD knew about the cat and had actually been to visit on several occasions, he allowed Abhi to continue to care for the cat in 'secret' as he had seen the change in Abhi's personality thanks to the animal. 

But then his accident happened. 

Once Abhi was no longer able to care for his secret pet a discussion was made to simply make a cat door on the maintenance room door and allow the cat freedom. Everyone fell in love with the creature, as it also reminded them of Abhi. The cat, now named Luka, got a lot of love and affection from the staff. 

It was a very tearful day for the staff when Abhi saw the cat for the first time in almost a year. They both seemed to be crying as they clung to each other. The cat letting out a continuous purr while tears streamed down the young man's face. The cat had become part of the family. 

And that is how Big Hit got a cat. 

A/N: this chapter was put here as it helps me to introduce Jungkooks chapter next. Also, the cat in the picture (it if uploads) is my actual cat named Luka. Though in real life he is quite a pain, he is rather pretty. Please let me know if you'd like me to do a part 2 of this with the member's interactions with the cat. Thanks for reading, and hopefully you continue to support this story. 

^ Yupp thats my boy!!! Isn't he cute!!!

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^ Yupp thats my boy!!! Isn't he cute!!!

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