Meeting the Ball of Sunshine

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A/N: To be honest this was a harder chapter to write as I wasn't sure how Abhi would have interacted with a well known happy person. I also have no clues into the way that rapping works so please dont judge my lack of knowledge. Anyways, enjoy!!!

The last thing that Abhi expected to find during his first encounter with the supposed ball of sunshine was a mopey teenager. Having just entered into the trainee group with the pre-debut BTS J-Hope was feeling quite conflicted about his choice to pursue rapping instead of his original goal to be a vocalist. Despite the praise and support, he had received from the other members.

Once again J-Hope tried to rap. We got through the first few lines before starting to trip up on his words and once again getting discouraged. With a frustrated sigh, J-Hope sat down on the ground with a frustrated look on his face.

"Maybe this wasn't my BTS idea. I should have stuck to just dancing," he said talking to himself not noticing the snoopy therapist.

Deciding not to scare him Abhi backed up and closed the door and then knocked. He heard some shuffling around before he was allowed to enter.

"Oh hello. Are you another trainee? I'm J-Hope! I am a new member to BTS, please take care of me hyung," he said with a slight bow.

"You could say that I am an employee," Abhi said with a smile. "Do you think you could give me a hand?"

"I'll do my best," J-Hope said with a smile.

"You see, my issue is that I am trying to learn how to rap, but need some pointers. I was going to go ask Namjoon, but am too afraid to go alone. I figured since you are a really good rapper you could introduce me to him. You too are bandmates right?" Abhi faked innocence. While he didn't like lying, it wasn't exactly a lie. He had always wanted to learn to rap, as he had always been a vocalist. With his request J-Hope blushed and looked down in shyness. He was not used to complements on his rapping ability.

"Oh... Sure I can do that." J-Hope said with a smile on his face. He was happy to help but was more grateful for the opportunity to ask for his leader's help without embarrassing himself.

"Alright! Lead the way." Abhi said. He was just hoping that Namjoon wouldn't question his sudden willingness to learn the art of rapping.


As they neared Namjoon's studio, they talked a lot about life as a trainee. They found that they both enjoyed the art of dance, though Abhi had to explain that he had retired as a dancer. Abhi had just finished explaining to J-Hope the wonders of Sprite when they reached the door. With a couple of knocks, they entered the room.

"Joonie!" Abhi said as he gave his new friend a hug around his shoulders over the back of his chair.

"Oh hey Abhi Hyung. What brings you around?" he looked around and also noticed J-Hope standing at the door, still a little awkward. Getting to know people quickly was hard, especially when it came to building trust. "Hey J-Hope. Abhi isn't getting you into trouble is he?" He said only half sarcastically. By this point J-Hope was very confused. I suppose that he assumed that I didn't know Namjoon, hence asking for his help.

"Joonie, I told you that you don't need you to call me hyung! Just Abhi!" He faked an angry face before continuing. "Anyways, I need to ask you a favor. I've been interested in rap lately and was wondering if you could give me a crash course. J-Hope is here for support." Abhi aid while sitting on Namjoons couch and patting the spot next to him for J-Hope.

"I guess. If that's something you really want I can spare a few minutes." Namjoon said turning himself around in his chair. Once we were all sitting and facing each other he began. If Abhi was honest, most of the things that Namjoon said about techniques and tips to rapping went right over his head. Though he was very confused, he noticed that J-Hope was taking all the information in like a sponge. He was really happy to help.

"By the way Abhi Hy- (cue smack on the back of the head). Why do you want to learn all of this? I don't mean any offense but you are just a therapist, right? You don't actually perform or anything, right? Namjoon asked as he had finished his explanations.

"I like to think that it's always good to learn new things. It keeps the mind young. Plus now I can bug Yoo with all of my wisdom. He likes to think that I'm just some crazy shrink." Abhi said while standing up. "Thank you for your time Joonie. Maybe next time you can teach me about the art of vlogging." He said only half joking, technology hated him. As he made his way to the door J-Hope had stood up and also thanked Namjoon, who again was slightly confused.

As they closed the door and started their way back towards the practice rooms J-Hope stopped Abhi.

"You didn't really need to learn to rap, did you. Did you really sit through all of that for me?" he asked still very confused.

"Well it wasn't a complete loss, it was interesting. But yes. I saw that you needed help, though I am not qualified to help you myself, it is my job to find you the next best thing." I said turning to face him. "It is nice to formally meet you J-Hope. You can call me Abhi. I am BTS's personal therapist. I look forward to working with you and watching you succeed as a rapper. I could even see a mixtape in the future." He said with a slight bow and a big smile.

J-Hope could only return the bow, still trying to process all the new information. Once he had caught up with reality he smiled. "Thank you so much Hyung. I was worried that asking Namjoon myself would only make him dought me as a new member, especially yo ever see me as an equal in terms of rapping."

"I don't think that you ever have to worry about that. BTS. No Big Hit is one big family who supports each other no matter the circumstance. You should never be afraid to ask for help. If you ever feel this way again find me and ill help. That is my job after all." Abhi said trying to lighten the mood.

"Thank you Hyung."

"You are welcome Hobi."

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