Meeting The Grandpa

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A/N: I am going to leave a few warnings here. First is that I am not Korean, so I do not know all of the pronouns and stuff. I'll do my best but this story will be very informal. The other thing is that I plan on doing a chapter for each member introduction to my OC. Then I will be doing chapters based on points in the timeline where a psychologist might have been needed. If you have any questions let me know.


After getting a few days to settle in Abhi began to get his life on order. Since the band was not yet ready to debut and there were a number of member changes he figured he should try to get acquainted with the remaining ones.

He got the scoop from the CEO that the real reason he was brought in so abruptly is due to their change in direction. Apparently, BTS was supposed to be a rap group only, and when rumors began to go around about changing it to an idol group, many of the existing trainees were hesitant. The most extreme of which was Ikje who had quit as the idol rap would betray the classic rap image. Two others also left, one leaving for unknown circumstances and the other to become a producer. Now the CEO was beginning to worry that more would resign, thus he needed Abhi to intervene.

The remaining members were Rap Monster who Abhi was not too worried about as he seemed pretty determined to succeed. Another was Hoseok who seemed too optimistic to ever quit. The member who he worried about the most was a boy named Min Yoongi. He had yet to meet the boy personally but based on his file, Yoongi's life had not been the easiest. So with that Abhi had a mission for the day.
Find Yoongi.


After searching everywhere for the trainee, he found him in a recording studio. When he looked through the glass door he could see him concentrating. Abhi decided to watch for a while to see what his body language looked like. For a while, he could tell that Yoongi was concentrating. But before long that concentration turned to aggravation. and before long his headphones were sailing across the studio as he let out a long cry of frustration. 

"That's it! I am no good at writing these stupid pop idol songs! I'm going to have to quit!" He said to himself as he slumped down in his chair. After giving him a moment to cool down, Abhi knocked on the door. 

"Frustrated?" he asked as he gave the startled Yoongi a smile. "Mind if we talk?"

"Uh.... ya I guess. Namjoon mentioned you, you're the shrink right. The one that is supposed to be able to read our mind, and solve the problems?" Yoongi said somewhat sarcastically. 

Abhi smirked and have a slight chuckle. "I don't recall taking a class on mind reading, but I am an unbiased outlet that will do my best to relieve your mental stress. You can call me Abhi. We will be working together for a while so I figured I'd introduce myself." He gave Yoongi a smile while stretching out his hand. 

While Yoongi was hesitant to shake it at first, he finally did so but said something unexpected, "Well I'm assuming you know me, but I don't know how long we will be working together, I'm not sure if this is the career for me." 

Abhi took this as an invitation to intervene and took a seat on a vacant chair. "So tell me. Is that coming from fear of rejection or fear of not succeeding?" Yoongi looked surprised. "Let me rephrase. Are you scared that the rapping community will reject you because you are betraying the classic image, or are you afraid of failing to become an idol." Yoongi grew exceedingly quiet. "While this is completely your decision I see both an opportunity. If you quit, well you miss out on what could have been. But if you stick it out and continue to work hard you can create something new. No one is telling you that you have to change your style of music or to change personalities. They are asking you to embrace more and see how much farther you can grow. Does that make sense?" Yoongi continued to look confused but now seemed to be thinking hard. After a while, he finally nodded. "I'm not going to make this decision for you, but I would ask you to think it over for a few days. And remember if you ever need to talk, my door is always open." Abhi stood up and walked towards the door.

"Oh, and by the way, I believe you can do anything you set your mind to. I know from experience that the idol life is not easy, especially songwriting. eventually, it will come to you as second nature. So just do your best." Abhi gave him one last smile before leaving him in the studio to think over the new information. 


A few more days passed, and no news of another member quitting had spread, so Abhi took that as a good sign. While he hadn't had another encounter with the rapper, he did hope that he hadn't pushed too hard. 

While walking through the living room to pass an occupied couch. Said occupant happened to be the edgy rapper that Abhi had been thinking about. There he was sound asleep with different pieces of sheet music surrounding him. Upon closer inspection, Abhi noticed that these were in fact pop idol songs. Yoongi had managed to find himself a good mix that included a good beat for some rap, and a nice melody for the vocals. Abhi read through some more and ended up sitting at Yoongi's feet. He got out a pen and made a few suggestions on a blank piece of paper. 

After half an hour had passed Yoongi stirred. When he noticed Abhi he sat up quickly. He looked nervous once he saw the papers in his hands. "No need to be scared, all I'm doing is helping you with the pitches in the vocal section, other than that this is a masterpiece," Abhi said with a big smile. For the first time since meeting him, Abhi got the honor of seeing the soon to be a famous gummy smile. It truly was an honor, as it was one of the cutest smiles he had ever seen. "Hey Yoo, you should smile more." Even with the unwelcomed nickname, Yoongi seemed quite happy that day. 

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