On Stage #2

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A/N: After writing my last chapter I realized that there was also a concert in the past where it was Jimin who was told to sit throughout the concert. Then I realized that there were many more after that, so I will be writing a few chapters that include all of the accidents that BTS had on stage. Till then here is an original short. I hope that you all enjoy! Remember to leave a comment and vote. 

Till the next update, read on!

With going any performance live, there is always room for accidents and issues with technology. The boys of BTS had gone quite a while without any serious issues. It was during a show back in Korea that Jimin got the unfortunate news that the backtrack that he needed to perform his solo wasn't working. He was having a miniature breakdown when he heard the news. As it was Jimin was known for continually blaming himself when things go wrong during the concert, and after his last incident with this voice cracking, this was the last thing he needed. 

Luckily for him, there was a quick solution given to him by an unlikely source. 

"Why don't you allow me to accompany you?" Abhi asked while Jimin was frantically asking the sound technicians if they had solved the issue yet. When Abhi got a confused look from Jimin he further explained. "There is a piano backstage that the crew could bring out. We just have to work together to ensure that our tempo is the same, and you'd have to give me a second to review the cords." Abhi said leading Jimin to the previously mentioned piano. They only had a few minutes before it was time for him to perform. Tae was currently on stage and was aware of the situation so planned on sparing them a few extra minutes. Abhi sat Jimin down next to him on the piano bench and began stretching his fingers. 

"Are you sure you can do this hyung," he asked before realizing that he was being rude. "Not that you can't!" he said in an attempt to backtrack. "I've just never seen you perform before, and I didn't even know you played. Do you even know the song?" Instead of answering he just smiled and allowed his fingers to answer. 

His skills on the piano were amazing, and from there Jimin had no doubt that this may be the best performance he has ever done. 

A/N: Play the link if you want to hear an amazing cover of serendipity by Smyang Piano. They do some of the best piano kpop covers, and I have a whole playlist of them on my Spotify. If you are interested, be sure to check them out on both youtube and Spotify. Also just in case, I don't own the following video, but I do truly respect the artists work. Carry on reading :) )

Once it was there turn Jimin grabbed Abhi's hand and leada him on stage. Together they walked to the center where the piano had been placed and Jimin wwaited for the crowd to quiet down. He then explained the situation and prepared to do an unpluged version of his song. 

The rest of BTS were just as amaxed when they heard there hyung playing so ekegantly on the paino. Like Jimin many did not realise tht he had this talent. Between Jimin's harmonious vocals and the softness of the piano, the audience seemed to be put into a trance. A BTS concert had never been so quiet, but no oe dared make noise les they miss a moment of this. 

Halfway through the song Jimin stopped dancing and instead walked up to the piano and laid across it looking at Abhi upside down. They finished the song with Jimin looking at Abhi with extreme fondness, and the other simply smiling. Both making a true masterpiece look efortless. 

Once off stage Jimin was surprised to see Abhi almost fall over. WHen he caught =and began to question his hyung he discovered that he was extremely nerrvous. Jimin could only laugh at how well his hyung was at acting. Everyone in the audience would assume that the man that was curently sitting on the ground in relef was a prefessional pianist. 

This would have to be yet another secret within BTS. Their special Abhi-hyung was a force to be recond with, but was still human. 


In the following weeks, many videos of the Serendipity unplugged performance began to surface, and many more fandoms were created. Many die hard fans put the video into their own ship evidence videos. Jimin was also sent many pictures of him on the piano. There was one in particular that had the to looking deeply itno the others eyes with big smiles on their faces. It was a picture that caulght them so much int he moment that Jimin decided to get the picture framed. It would make an excellent present for his hyung. 

A/N: There you have it. Like I said earlier this is just a short, and the next chapter will most liekly be very similar. I also just wanted to let everyne know that my school has started back up and soon I will be neck deep in essays and exams. I will update as often as I can, but a reminder that votes and comments are what keep me motivated to continue. Let me know if you are enjoying the book and if you have any other sugetions. 

Thanks for reading!

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