No Abhi!

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Do you know how you can tell how much you rely on a person? How much having them around you mean to your ability to function every day? Then the answer is simple: when you lose them. No Abhi is not dead, be simply had a sick day. 

If you knew Abhi well, you would know that he is quite the workhorse. He was very rarely sick and didn't take time off often. He had one of those personalities that would sooner do his job for free then miss out on anything. Today, however, was odd. 

The day started out like any other. The boys woke up and went to the company. They completed their morning band practice before headed for their free time. Usually, this would mean producing or extra practice. They finally noticed something was off when they passed Abhi's office and saw the door closed. He NEVER closed his door. Instantly the boys knew something was off. They decided to investigate further and found that even the door was locked and there was no one inside. 

The boys worked quickly in calling their beloved Hyung, several times in fact, with no answer. When their worrying, Jin and Jimin especially, they decided to go to the big boss to see if he knew what was up. There they found out that Abhi had caught a cold and was having a restful day at home. They were also told that he was not to be disturbed. This made the boys anxious. How were they going to function without their witty, comforting, and most of all supportive Hyung? 

Basically, it didn't. In their scheduled photo shoot the boys began to make amateur mistakes and the staff had a hard time making them concentrate or smile. In interviews they would get lost in thought, thinking about Abhi's well-being. Finally, RM had had enough and decided the boys needed to make sure Abhi was alive and well. Altogether the boys went to his house and found the door unlocked. They ran in looking for any signs of trouble but instead were greeted by a sickly looking Hyung. He was sitting at his kitchen table facing the door with a huge smile on his face. 

"I was wondering how long it would take you." He said. 

All the boys laughed, but when they went to enter they were stopped by Jin. He lined the boys up and started handing out masks claiming that we can't afford to lose anyone else to the sickness. Once all boys were covered they entered. Jin instantly began berating his hyung about the fact that he was out of bed. Not only that but they found work sitting in front of him on the table. Jin began to bark out orders to the other members to do things like fluffing the pillows, make soup, find the cat, and to Abhi, he demanded that he return to bed. 

Once the Hyung was fed, watered, and safely swaddled in his bed the boys relaxed. His Hyung would be okay now that they were here to take proper care of him. 

A/N: Sorry this was so short. I have been swamped with school and travelling. Let me know what you think and I'll see you next time!

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