Meeting the Golden Maknae

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A/N: Once again found Jungkook a little hard to write, and he might be a bit out of character, but I did my best. Enjoy!

There wasn't much that Abhi didn't understand about adolescence. Growing up he had been a terribly shy teen whose only outlet was is music. The first time in his life that he had truly applied himself and got out of his shell was when he began his trainee years with Big Hit. Though he has grown a lot since, he still had his impromptu experiences of extreme shyness. This is one of the reasons he found himself gravitating to the timid Jungkook when he joined the company.

Outside of his practice times and lessons, Jungkook spent very little time interacting with others in his group. He spent a lot of his time hiding away in his room. Abhi didn't really get involved till he began to notice that the poor boy was so shy that he would not even make eye contact. This was when Abhi made it his mission to make the poor little bunny boyo smile.


Mission # 1 - forced confrontation.

Upon finishing their practice, the boys began their trek back to the dorms when they were intercepted by Abhi.

"Grab your coats boys, we are going out!" he said not as a question but as a demand. Though the boys were tired, they knew better than to deny the eager therapist. After all, he somehow always knew when they needed a break. For Jungkook, he looked apprehensive but decided to go along with the crowd after seeing the giant smile on the older mans face.

Once everyone had their jackets, they were off. They made their way to a simple café down the street that was not crowded. "This is the best place to get coffee within a five-minute walk. They also have really good pastries," he informed his followers. While he got the others to go up to order he stood next to Jungkook who seemed to be having extreme anxiety. "Alright, I know that you like a sweeter drink, but a more bready treat. Do you just want me to order for you?" he asked. Jungkook had looked at him with wide eyes, confused at how the older knew that information about him. Slowly he nodded his head, briefly making eye contact with Abhi with a small smile before returning his gaze to the ground. Once they had ordered and got their coffee, Abhi found them a table away from everyone else.

Their conversation was all over the place, but Jungkook only spoke when spoken to. Abhi made many attempts to get him to engage, but also did not push him. He let the shy boy concentrate on the treat in front of him and relax in his own way.

On the way back Abhi got his confirmation that his efforts were not in vain as he felt a tug on his sleeve.

"Thank you Abhinu-hyung." Jungkook said with the biggest smile Abhi had seen him make.

"Just Abhi is fine Jungkook. You and I will go on many more of these adventures so be prepared." He smiled back. He half assumed that the boy would shy away but was happily surprised to see him nod continuing to smile.

Mission # 2 - the companion

After the café adventure, Jungkook spent a lot of his free time accompanying Abhi on his adventures. Though they had not had a lot of conversations it was not uncomfortable as both parties enjoyed each others company, even in silence.

Abhi's next step was to give Jungkook an outlet for his inner feelings. After finding out that the young trainee did enjoy the company of animals, he sent his cat Luka to him. Though the cat could not truly communicate, he seemed to understand what this master was asking of him.

Over the next few months, if the cat was not in plain sight or at Abhi's side he could be found perched on Jungkook's lap accepting any attention from the boy. Jungkook had not realized how much he could smile and talk until he began to snuggle the gray cat.

It wasn't until Jungkook was nearing his first year of training that he found out that the cat belonged to Abhi. Once he figured out that Abhi had sent the cat to keep the boy company when he couldn't, Jungkook began to gravitate towards his hyung more with a new-found admiration.

Mission # 3 - the accomplice

Once Jungkook began to consider Abhi as more a friend then simply a therapist, Abhi started to show his mischievous side. Over time he successfully converted Jungkook into his prank apprentice. While the pranks were harmless, it did leave the other members quite annoyed. Though at the same time, you could see that they were quite happy to see their youngest actually smiling, laughing and opening up.

Their mischief was not solely concentrated on pranks, as they also engaged in the act of disappearing. Abhi showed Jungkook all of his hideouts that brought him a sense of peace. Jungkook found that Abhi was far more than a friend and mentor, he was more of a big brother who would take the fall when they were caught skipping lessons but would also push him out of his comfort zone to experience life.


Once Abhi was satisfied with Jungkook's progress, he did not stop hanging out with the boy. He did sit back a bit and watch him begin to interact more with the other members. He gave himself a pat on the back when Jungkook began to actually initiate the conversations with his Hyung's, even going as far as to ask Abhi to go on adventures. This made Abhi feel more like a proud father than a therapist, and though he may have gotten himself a bit too involved in the younger life, he was extremely excited to see his little kookie grow into a man.

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