Special Moments: Kookie

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A/N: Hi All! I hope you have enjoyed the special moments series. I hope to more of these 7 part series in the future that delve into Abhi's relationship with the boys individually. Make sure you read the authors note at the end of this chapter and be sure to comment and vote! 

- If there was one thing that Jungkook could say was a direct result of his Hyung's influence it was his love to bring a smile to the other members. This was often done using pranks, jokes, and imitations. He, of course, learned these skills from the master. Abhi had been known to always carry a kind of light with him that made others happy. He passed these traits onto his Kookie who put them to good use making his members laugh on a regular basis. 

- Believe it or not, it was actually introduced Jungkook to the gym. Though he had no idea he would turn into the muscley man he is today, Abhi introduced it to the young boy as a healthy way of relieving stress. The two often went to the gym together and learned the safe ways to workout without causing harm to the body. This is a habit that Jungkook would always be grateful to his hyung for introducing to him. 

- Like with the other members, Jungkook to struggled with his English. He was quite insecure when he was in America and in places in Europe where he was forced to not only listen but communicate with an unfamiliar language. As fans had become aware of he often spaced out during his interviews when he became overwhelmed with the English. Abhi tried to help him find ways of looking like he was fully interested in the interview when he truly wasn't. Things like nodding when the others did and smiling into the audience occasionally to make it look like he was surveying the crowd. This did work on occasion, but for the most part, the two worked hard together on getting a better grasp on the English language. It was difficult, but over time Kookie has improved and is occasionally capable of answering questions during interviews. Abhi is very proud of his Kookie. 

- One sight that could melt even the coldest of hearts (Suga -_-) was seeing Abhi and Jungkook up late working on Jungkooks school work. Often Jungkook had issues with balancing his school and career work. He also had a hard time using tutors as many were not understanding of his situation. As a result, he became discouraged and turned to his therapist. As a result, Abhi agreed to help his Kookie with his studies. The two would often be up late into the night crowded around the coffee table in Abhi's apartment working on the school work. It was also common for them to be found early in the morning sleeping in their positions around the table. When Jungkook finally finished school Abhi couldn't help but be grateful. THough he was definitely not dumb, he was also not the smartest. What Jungkook never knew was that Abhi in his free time would read ahead and reteach the material to himself so that when he met with his Kookie he had the knowledge to teach him properly. This was one of the many sacrifices that Abhi made for the boys that they would never learn about, but helped them in succeeding. 

- It was common in the BTS formations for Jungkook to end up standing in the center. This often led to Abhi doubling over in laughter when his Kookie went into panic mode when the group split up and he had to make a choice of who to follow. His look of deer in the headlights and looking both ways never seised to make Abhi laugh. After about the third time that this occurred, he actually had to talk to the other boys. He told them that whoever was standing to his left would be responsible to lead him off stage. THough he kept his involvement in this a secret from Junkook, the young Kookie was very grateful when his Hyungs kept these incidences to a minimum. 

- It was common knowledge to Amry that Jungkook was occasionally an evil boy. His Tom and Jerry relationship with Jin was a testament to that. There was one hyung however that he never seemed to challenge. Abhi hyung had managed to gain a high amount of respect from the youngest member. Combine that with the fear Kookie had that Abhi's ability to prank would turn on him was cause enough for him to be well behaved around his hyung at all times. When the other members began to notice this pattern they began to call for Abhi whenever Jungkook seemed to be a mood to annoy the other members. This did not mean that the two did not have fun, but the roughhousing that went on between the others was less forceful between these two.  

- One habit that Abhi had unintentionally developed with his Kookie was rubbing his head. It was not meant to be demeaning in any way, but Abhi had learned early that Jungkook was not a big fan of skinship but also needed affection and praise occasionally. This was noticed and documented by army who found the actions very adorable. 

- Like on many other occasions Abhi often accompanied the boys to their meet and greets to help the staff and keep the boys in line. He often found himself scolding the youngest member for being violent towards the other members. Fans first started to see a pattern of Jungkook looking behind him before he would do something bad. Almost as if he was checking to make sure a certain person wasn't looking. Then they noticed that these actions and Jungkooks sudden change to act more grown up was linked to a look he would receive from Abhi. At first, some fans were a bit mad that this staff member was limiting the actions of their Kookie, but this mood soon changed when they noticed the brotherly context that surrounded the situation. It was actually addressed in one of Jungkooks solo Vlives where he stated that Abhi was a big influence on him, and without his continued help, he would not be the gentleman that he is today. Even later in his career when he was thanking his other members for raising him he made an effort to also mention Abhi Hyung and his lessons on responsibility and maturity. It wasn't that Abhi didn't want his Kookie to express himself, but he wanted to protect Jungkook from having Army getting the wrong idea about his character. He wanted the world to see him as the respectful man that he was becoming. 

A/N: Last chance to get your ship names in! Their will be a chapter about them posted soon! Thank you in advance to all of those who have been commenting, I really appreciate you guys!

Also, I wanted to run a few things by you guys. First, do you guys mind if I start including a section at the end of my chapters about the Kpop songs that I currently have on repeat? They might be new or old but it would give me a chance to share with you and for you to let me know what you think of the song and maybe suggest your own? I can also include the MV if you guys are interested. What do you guys think? (PS. Right now I have EXO - Tempo on repeat as I love the acapella section and Blame it on me by Steve Aoki) Second, I am releasing a few new stories soon and would really appreciate if you guys checked them out. A lot of them are going to be one-shots that are long but condensed into one chapter. 

Thanks for continuing to read :)

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