Finding Out

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After being with the boys for a while they find out his secret. They had many assumptions as to his injury but didn't want to ask in fear of upsetting their Hyung. It wasn't until one of their concerts back in Korea that they finally saw the prosthetic leg. During the encore performance, one of the overhead light stands fell. It would have landed on kookie had Abhi not ran out from backstage to push him out of the way. 

At the moment Jungkook saw his life flash before his eyes before seeing Abhi and then suddenly he was on the ground feet away from the now completely destroyed structure. When he turned around he saw Abhi on the ground with the debris on his leg. The other members, as well as staff, ran into help. They were quickly put at ease however when Abhi suddenly sat up and waved them off. To the shock of most of them, Abhi simply began to fiddle with his lower leg before pulling it off altogether. Hobi had almost fainted and had to be supported by an equally concerned Boo. The crowd had begun to worry so as Kookie and Yoo helped their Hyung to stand, Abhi took hold of Yoo's microphone and announced to the crowd that he was not injured and that he would explain to everyone later. And with that everyone was off the stage.

Later that night the boys couldn't wait any longer and sat their hyung down for some explanations. Abhi decided it was best to just explain it to both the boys and the fans at the same time. He got the boys to start a V-Live. Together they all sat in Abhi's living room, and as the questions began to role in Abhi began to explain.

For the next hour, the entire Army got to learn about the time that Abhi had spent as a trainee. He went on to explain how he had found his passion for psychology and his time in school. finally, he couldn't avoid the topic anymore and began to tell the story about the worst days of his life. How he had been going home to visit his mom when there was a freak accident that left him in the hospital. It was at this moment that he began to roll up his pant leg and showed the world his secret. He explained not only how he recovered but also educated people about the use of prosthetic limbs. Finally, he asked the boys if they had any questions. 

Most of them were close to if nor in tears. Jiminie being the sensitive one asked if Abhi was in any pain. "Not really. There are days when I use my leg too much, so the attachment gets irritated. There is also a phenomenon known as phantom limb. Its where you can still feel the limb that is missing. Sometimes my foot hurts, even though I no longer have one." Abhi explained in the most gentle voice.

Next was Hobi who asked if he could still dance. "Of course. I might not be able to get down like I used too, but I can dance just as good as anyone else. I will admit that I'm not as active as I used to be though, so I do get tired verily easily."

The last person to ask a question was Yoo, and it almost broke Abih's heart. "Why did it take you so long to tell us Hyung? Don't you trust us?" For the fans, it was odd to see Yoongi so vulnerable, but the focus quickly returned to Abhi who quickly had tears filling his eyes.

"I'm not ashamed of my injures, cause I know that they weren't my fault. But that doesn't stop me from wanting to be strong for you guys. As I recovered in the hospital I got enough pity to last me a lifetime. I didn't want to tell you in fear that you would treat me differently. I am still the same Hyung as I was yesterday and the day before." At this point Abhi did begin to cry. for a moment no one moved and just digested the information. 

Suddenly a warm pair of arms wrapped around the eldest. It was Jiminie, who was quickly followed by the rest of the group. They simply stayed in their group huddle for a while just comforting one another. 

"You will always be our Hyung Abhi!" RM said taking the mans face in his hands. "You are a big part of our family." 

After answering a few of the fans questions Kookie suddenly got all excited. "If you were a trainee doesn't that mean you've performed before. You were a vocalist right, let me look and see what's online." He pulled out his phone and while Abhi began to protest Kookie smiled widely before playing a video off of youtube. For the next 3 minutes, the group was transfixed by Abhi's voice as he accompanied a woman.

"Wow" was the general reaction as the fans got all excited. After Abhi agreed that he would have to perform more often the members noticed that the V-Live had been going on for almost 2 hours and the camera was about to die. After thanking Abhi for sharing his story, and the fans for listening, the boys ended the video.

What fans don't know is that the boys spent the night at Abhi's apartment continuing to talk about everything. The next day they woke up to the latest trend on twitter being,


A/N: Sorry if this was not the best chapter. I am in the midst of packing to move, while also updating other stories in the limited free time that I have. I don't have many more chapter ideas left in my drafts, so be sure to leave ideas in the comments. Till next time!

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