"I'm so sorry. It's not something I'd wish on anybody..."

"Nor I. That's why I want to help."

"Well. I thank you, but you have your own life. No need to worry about mine. Thank you just the same."

The woman nodded and left Kelly. She lay on the couch and closed her eyes, but opened them again a minute later, staring at the ceiling. She tried to sleep, but it wouldn't come. As much as she hated it, she'd grown used to the routine that Derek had her in. He'd wake her up with a kiss, she'd make him breakfast, then he would spend the day around town, showing her off, until evening when he would have dinner with her, then they'd swim, have a bowl of popcorn, and then sleep together after a long session of pleasing. She had hated every minute, but routines and habits are hard to break. Especially so soon after escaping them.

She thought about the past four years of her life. From the day she was kidnapped to the day Derek set her free, she thought about how many times she's been forced to sleep with men she didn't know. At least twelve men, which included her Master's friends, had slept with her whether it was for a short time or the whole night. She had never had an abortion and she'd never been pregnant, and she now vowed she'd never let another man touch her again. She didn't even want to be near one, but she knew her friend Peter could help. He'd helped so much before, she only hoped he wouldn't be gone or different from his pure self.

Morning came and she hadn't slept a wink. The kind woman gave her some breakfast and sent her on her way towards the train station. She arrived and bought a ticket, boarding and sitting down all while watching every move of every man around her. She watched if they blew their nose, If they kissed their wife goodbye, if they walked past her down the isle. No matter what they did, she watched with nervous eyes and her hands didn't stop shaking the entire time. As she watched the scenery fly by out her window, and the people inside going back and forth up the isle, she slowly grew tired. She asked a stewardess when they'd arrive and she said within 24 hours. She nodded and tried to stay awake, but failed.

She was asleep for hours and dreamt of her past, which turned into nightmares. She became restless and fidgeted in her sleep. The people around her were growing nervous and wondered what to do.

"Should we wake her?"

"No. She looked so tired when she first boarded..."

"But would she rather sleep with whatever nightmare she's having or wake up and be free of it?" one passenger asked.

"If it were me, I'd rather be free of it."

"So would I."

"Oh my lord, leave the person alone! It's not like you know or care!" one older man said angrily, "Leave her alone."

A young man stood up and walked over to Kelly, sitting beside her and glaring at the old man as he gently placed his hand on her shoulder, "Miss?" he said calmly, "Wake up..."

Kelly stirred, but pain was still written on her face.

"Excuse me, miss? Wake up," he said, shaking her gently.

Kelly awoke and looked at the man, startled and scared. She backed away from him. He immediately stood up and backed away, "I'm sorry...You--"

"You were having a bad dream, sweetie. You were crying and shaking. He only wanted to wake you so you weren't scared any more," A lady interrupted when she saw the man was clearly embarrassed.

Key looked to the man, "Thank you," she whispered, "I was having a nightmare...You woke me just before the worst part," she went on. He nodded and went back to his seat. The old man felt sheepish at the thought of wanting to leave her to endure the nightmare. He scowled and put his paper up to hide the glares he was receiving from his view.

Kelly now looked around, seeing the kind Lady was holding an infant. She smiled at it and it smiled back. The woman looked over and smiled.

"His name is Lucas. He likes you...Would you like to hold him?"

Kelly was hesitant. She'd never held a baby before. When she told the woman this, she was shocked, "At your age?"

"I'm only seventeen," she said quietly.

"Yes, but some seventeen year olds *I* know already have babies of their own."

Kelly shrugged, "I guess I'm different."

The woman smiled kindly, "Well, different isn't bad. Would you like to hold him anyway? I can show you how to support his head..."

Kelly smiled slightly, "Okay."

She remembered the little girl, Dee, whom she had once parented and was instantly sobered again at the thought of her horrible father and how much she had hated that man. Of all she'd been with, he was the worst.

"What's wrong?" the woman asked after a few minutes.

"Nothing, I'm just tired..."

"I see. Long trip?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Where are you headed?"

"New York."

"I see. Business or pleasure?"

"What?" she asked quickly.

"Are you going for work or school or for fun?"

"Oh...to find a friend," she said.

"That's nice. Well, you if you're okay holding him, would you mind if I take a nap?"

"I don't mind."

The woman smiled, "I'm Cindy by the way."


"It's nice to meet you, Kelly. Feel free to wake me if he cries."

"Yes ma'am."

Kelly sat with the baby for a little while by herself, then the kind, young man ventured over to her. He stood a few feet away and cleared his throat. Kelly took a shaky breath, but looked up at him.

"Sorry to startle you earlier..."

Kelly shrugged, "It's okay."

"Do you wanna tell me about your nightmare?"

Kelly's eyes grew wide and she shook her head. The man ventured closer, "Why not? Sometimes it makes it better to talk to a complete stranger..."

He tried using reverse psychology, but it didn't work on Kelly. She politely refused all his offers until finally, he went away. She knew it was rude, but all she could fully focus on at the moment was getting back to Peter and hoping he could help.

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