Ch 16: Slut

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"See? The sauce turns nice and liquidy when you add just a bit of milk."

"That's so cool! Can I stir it?"

"Sure, sweetie, here. Careful not to splash it, daddy won't be very happy if we make another mess.

"No he won't. Did it hurt last time? When he spanked you?"

Kelly paused, shuddering at the memory of the beating she'd gotten for accidentally burning something onto the stove. She'd been beaten until she couldn't feel anything.

"No, it didn't hurt. I don't feel much pain."

"I'm glad. If it were me, I'd be crying a lot and I wouldn't want to see daddy for a whole DAY!"

Kelly smirked at the child, but let it fade as she remembered how many tears she'd shed and how much she hated the sight of this child's father. She hated that she slept with him while his wife worked her ass off to provide some extra money for the family. She wished she could leave, but she knew it would only lead to worse things if she tried again.

"Yeah. Okay, just keep stirring that so it doesn't stick to the pan. I'm going to check the chicken."

The young girl nodded and Kelly took her leave. She went to the other side of the kitchen, checked the chicken, then escaped to the bathroom for a minute. She was on the brink of tears and was ready to burst at any minute. She scratched a herself, pealing scabs until they bled. She sat on the floor and rocked back and forth, feeling her scrapes and scars ache as they often did. He scarred her every night, scratching up her back and legs until they throbbed. She couldn't stop him when he was fully engulfed in his pleasuring, and he hurt her so badly when he did so.

Eventually, she calmed herself down and went back to the kitchen. When she got there, she saw the young girl sitting on the floor, crying.

"Dee, what's wrong?"

"It splashed and burned me," she whimpered.

Kelly frantically looked at it, seeing only a small red spot, and breathed a heavy sigh of relief, "It's no biggie, kiddo. It's just a small red spot, nothing permanent and nothing to worry about. Would you like a cold cloth anyway?"

Dee nodded, her bottom lip still quivering, "Fank you, Kewwy," she said with her pacifier back in her mouth.

"You're welcome, Dee. Why don't you run along and play?"

"Will you read me a bedtime story tonight? Or are you and daddy going to work on homework again?"

"I'm no sure. You'll have to ask him if he wants to give me any homework tonight or not."

Dee nodded and ran off. Kelly sighed and returned to stirring the pot of sauce.

"You may have her fooled, but you're not fooling the rest of us," a voice said, startling Kelly's already shot nerves.

"You scared me...I'm not trying to fool anyone, Laura."

"Cut the crap, Kelly. You know you like it. Having my dad please you like that every night. You're a slutty bitch who can't keep her hands off o--"

"Laura, please," Kelly said, tears forming in her eyes, "I can't do this with you right now."

"Why not? It's not like it's a secret! My dad obviously thinks he has mom fooled, but she's going to catch on. Especially because I'm going to tell her."

"No! Laura, you mustn't!"

"And why not?"

"Please, Laura, he'll punish me again, you have to be quiet, please. You have no idea, please, Laura!"

"Yeah, punish you by spanking your bare ass and then--"

"You don't even know what you're talking about, Laura. You may think what you want, but it's wrong."

Tears dripped down Kelly's cheeks, but she stayed in the kitchen where her Master had told her to be, and cooked him dinner.

"Laura stood, staring at Kelly, angry and shaking her head, "You're a little slut."

"Laura, PLEASE, don't say that."

"Come on, I know you get paid to do this. You LIKE it."

Kelly turned to say something, but saw her Master standing in the next room over and remained silent. Laura scoffed and walked away, leaving Kelly to cry as she finished cooking.

Dear Diary,

Like it? Would you like it, Laura? Would you like to be raped every night while you're fighting to get away? Would you like to be beaten with sticks and whatever else until you bleed? Would you like to have to pretend nothing is wrong to a six year old who adores you while with every move you're aching with pain?


She doesn't understand and I hope she never does. She may think what she wants of me. As long as this beautiful girl thinks what she does, I know she's safe from knowing the truth. Her innocence may keep her safe for the time being.

And Dee. The poor, innocent little six year old. She follows me everywhere and copies me in everything I do. I only hope she doesn't end up as I have: raped at thirteen and sold at auction to a man who wouldn't leave you alone, especially when drunk. It hurts more than anything and I can't imagine how I'm going to survive this.

"Hey," Kelly's Master interrupted her thoughts, "What the hell do you think you're doing talking to my daugher like that?"

"I'm sorry, sir, I was just--" For once, Kelly had no real explanation or excuse. She decided to tell the truth, "I was trying to defend myself against her harsh words. She thinks I LIKE it here, she thinks I get PAID, but she's WRONG. I HATE it here and I want to kill you with every passing moment, but--"

He waited patiently, tapping his foot and staring at her in a domineering way, "But...?"

"But, you give me food, shelter, and time to spend with Dee, so I can't complain much, can I?"


"And I have it pretty good here."


"And I'm sorry and I'll never speak out again."

"AND you'll meet me in my room tonight. You DARE to send my six year old daughter to ask me whether or not you're going to be sleeping with me tonight? I outta kill you for doing that, but that would raise too much suspicion."

"I wish you would kill me. Just get it over with quick. I can't stand much more of this," Kelly spoke bravely.

"In that case, I won't. Just to spite you, I won't kill you. But what I have planned for you, my dear, is much worse."

Kelly cringed as he snuck a "love" bite to her neck before walking off, leaving her to finish cooking dinner by herself, mixing in some tears with the cheese sauce as she cried over the stove.

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