chapter thirty nine

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The air around them was thick once their eyes met each other. Sunggyu gulped his saliva nervously as his fingers playing with each other nervously. Sunggyu couldn't look anywhere but Woohyun as if he was hypnotise by the magician.

Woohyun looked at Sunggyu while biting his lips nervously. His eyes roamed everywhere around the hall but Sunggyu. His grips on his books only got tighter as his heart beating faster along the time passed around. He could feel the heat increased as he imagined the previous kiss. It felt like Sunggyu's lips still lingered on his full lips.

"I.." Sunggyu tried to say something but it seemed like that thing only been lingered in his throats. He must be driving crazy around Woohyun. The thought of that only made his cheeks gone redder. Woohyun turned to him, looking in his eyes directly.

"What is it?" hearing the other's voice only made Sunggyu's heart gone faster. He didn't know since when Woohyun had this effect on him but he surely didn't like it at all. It driven his crazy. Sunggyu pushed his lips in a thin line. This time, his eyes started to roam everywhere on the floor.

"You should to come to my house after school," Sunggyu said. He didn't know he would say it finally. His request only made Woohyun tilted his head. In no time, Woohyun nodded his head slowly. Making the other smiled secretly. "Then walk with me to home," Sunggyu demanded. He tried to be his sassy self but it turned out pretty awkward as Woohyun chuckled deeply.

"Well," Woohyun pointed his hands forward motioning to Sunggyu to walk first as he walked behind Sunggyu in silent like a bodyguard he is. He swore to himself to protect Sunggyu anyway. So, being the brunette's bodyguard also would be his pleasure.

As they arrived the said home, Sunggyu opened the door and walked in first as Woohyun followed him behind.

Sunggyu waited at the couch that had been holding their first kiss moment, standing there as he felt the nervous nerves started to surround him. Woohyun stood in front of him, making sure he had made a safe line between, it was not so far but he could feel it. The far thing. He glanced around and his eyes only landed on Sunggyu, waiting for his words calmly.

"You should wait here, I would make the lunch today," Sunggyu exclamation only left Woohyun shock. His lips tried to mutter some words but Sunggyu just stopped his words with a silence. "I felt sorry for the... you know? So, that's just incident and I wanted to made up between us, please," Sunggyu pleaded with his puppy eyes that had made Woohyun's heart melt. Slowly he nodded as he was sitting on the couch. His eyes followed Sunggyu that had stepped out from the living room to the kitchen.

'that's just incident,'

The words lingered in Woohyun's mind. He looked down to his laps. His hair covered his eyes. His lips curled into a curve. It was not a smile, It was a pout.

"So, our kiss was an incident. It had no meaning," he muttered under his breath.

As the time passed, Sunggyu (A/N: I am sorry but I am hearing to Agust D and I was like, IS HE A ROBOT THAT WAS SO FUCKING FAST???) finally finished his cook for the lunch. He took the dishes on the plates happily then after he finished the dining table, he turned to call the already sleeping Woohyun in the living room of his his house.

He looked at the sleeping Woohyun, didn't even have a heart to wake him up. The scenery of the magician sleeping was so breathtaking yet so cute at the same time. (A/N: Of course it is Woohyun). Sunggyu stepped silently in the living room as he closing the distance between him and the couch. His hand was carefully stretched to shook on the Woohyun's shoulder.

"Wake up~~" he whispered rather slowly. Woohyun stirred from his sleep as Sunggyu chuckled at the cuteness.

"The lunch is ready," Sunggyu informed. Woohyun looked at Sunggyu's face for some seconds as he processed the words. Realizing what it means, Woohyun turned to rubbed his face with his hands as he nodded. He excused himself to the toilet to wash his face and proceed to the dining table. He saw Sunggyu already sat there, waiting for him to eat together. It felt like they were already a married couple but none of his wild dream is true anyway.

(A/N: Oh my god my songs loop really took my attention. Now it repeating the wonhae manhi manhi manhi so much and nae pi tam nun mul! stop making me eargasm! *gross*)

Woohyun made his way to the dining table and carefully sit himself down. They began to dig in their lunch in silent.

After the lunch, both of them just quarrelled to wash the dishes and end up doing it together.

"So we are good now," Woohyun asked out of nowhere as he rubbed his wet hands on the tissue. His smile slowly crept on his face. Sunggyu looked on the dishes that was arranging. Stopping the process at the question. Did he and Woohyun is a good condition? Well, he question himself.

Slowly he nodded. Woohyun smiled wider.

"Great then,".


"But Woohyun-ah!" Sunggyu called. Woohyun tilted his head to face Sunggyu. They headed to the living room and plopped themselves down on the couch.

"Yes," Woohyun answered slowly.

"I wanted to talk to you about something,".


A/N: Dun dun dun.

Well please participate for the next chapter and excuse my crappy comments about my fan girl inner for BTS.

Anyway, anyone hear to Red Velvet- Bad Boy??? It was so good and addictive to me!!! i am addicted to the song!!!

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