chapter eight

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Jongin walked through the hall arrogantly. He changed. All because of one thing. Everyone around him looked at him confusedly. How come he looked very different even after came back from London? He walked casually before went in to his room. His VIP room that was only for him. He got that since the school was own by his father. So, that was the reason he got the VIP room just by his own.

"You heard the news?" Xiumin asked Chen. Chen looked at Xiumin confusedly before thinking about what Xiumin tried to talk about.

"What news?"

"Jongin is coming back but he is really different though," Xiumin said in whisper. Chen just nodded. All of the students thought of the same things too. He never like the old Jongin that cheerful and fun. But now, he changed. He had changed into something terrible which made the others afraid of him.


"You are so funny," Jongin said with a smirk on his face. He kicked the student's leg making he felt on the floor lifelessly. Couldn't make it to fight the powerful Jongin. Jongin was just too strong to fight of.

"I am just told you that you should finish off my homeworks but you couldn't do it. How stupid are you? Very stupid," Jongin said as he continuosly kicking the stomach of the poor student. The student groaned in pain. After enjoying so much kicking, punching and hitting the student, Jongin sat down in front of the student while holding the student's chin. Making the weak one to look at him.

"That is it. After this tell everybody, don't ever mess with KAI," Jongin said with a smirk on his face before letting go of the chin and walked away. Ignoring the weak student that trying to get help.

"Kai," a voice whispered afraidly.


Kyungsoo walked off tiredly to his house. The tiring day ever in his life. He let off his bag on the sofa and settled himself on the sofa. Sprawled freely on the sofa by his own.

"Tiring day over and over again," he whispered. He looked at the ceiling of his house. The fan swinged and spinned. The usual thing that happened in the world. and even that could bring a bored and tiring day. Suddenly Kyungsoo remembered what he saw at the school that afternoon. Right after the school end.

"He should not to be like that," Kyungsoo whispered to himself. "He should not force himself too much. That was terrible,". He sighed as he knew he couldn't help anything in anyway. "That stubborn head," he muttered under his breath.


Woohyun laid himself on the bed looking at ceiling with a big smile. His hand a hold picture and he hold it closer to his chest. He really indeed in love. Might be.

"So cute," Woohyun said when trailing his finger to the picture in his hand. Dongwoo's smile is the best. That was what Woohyun always thought about. That was why he wanted to make the latter to smile everyday.

"Anyway, is he have a boyfriend?" that snapped in his mind. He would be die if the latter having a boyfriend. What if the boyfriend would know what he did to the innnocent boy? He might be beaten of. He might be hurt over and over again. Just like the past. Woohyun shook his head. Trying to forget the real past.

"I would like to make him mine," Woohyun said with a smile. He throwed his hand in the air as he tried to get the goal that he just set up.

"This would be the best of my life," Woohyun smiled and giggled out while rolling on the bed like a mad man would do until he hit his head on the ground. He had felt down of his bed.

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