chapter thirty eight

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From: Dongwoo babe

To: Hoya

They kissed.... ^^

As he read the message from his lover, Hoya could not hold himself other than smile at the sweet imagination that running in his wild mind. "That was a good thing. Never knew that they would do that,".

From: Hoya

To : Dongwoo babe

That was good... i hope they would be dating soon..

From: Dongwoo babe

To: Hoya

I hope so....

From: Hoya

To: Dongwoo babe

'hope so..' what's that suppose to mean babe???

From: Dongwoo babe

To: Hoya

Sunggyu still anxious with his feelings.. i'll tell u errthing tmrw luv ya... nite!!

From; Hoya

To: Dongwoo babe

u better be. nite too!! <3

"This might be long... Sunggyu still with his pride, huh? I better talk to Woohyun tomorrow," Hoya said out loud of his thought. He putted his phone aside clicked off the lamp and tucked himself in the bed. Sleeping with a smile wide on plastered on his handsome face. (A/N: Who wouldn't call this Hoya handsome, huh? fight me!).


"Well, I just fucked everything up," Woohyun said in future of explaining it for Hoya. Hoya walked by his side, nodding as he understood Woohyun's concern.

"He just said he don't know and asked me to eat with him. Oh, I shouldn't kiss him on the first place even he asked for it," Woohyun rubbed his face in a displeased manner. He never felt regret as he just did to Sunggyu.

"Hey, relax!" Hoya tired to calm Woohyun down as he put his hand reassuringly on Woohyun's shoulder. Massaging it a little bit to calm the intense inside Woohyun's raging heart. Woohyun looked at Hoya as he smiled softly, nodding a bit. "Maybe he just tried to open up to you. That's a good sign anyway!" Hoya said.

"I hope so then," Woohyun smiled bitterly.

"You are really helping,".

"That's what friends should do,".


"So????" Dongwoo started the conversation as they sat their selves down in the cafe. Stirring on the coffee in front of him, Sunggyu sighed deeply as he hear Dongwoo's question.

"I don't know," Sunggyu said. Dongwoo tilted his head in confusion. Sunggyu was being weird those days and Dongwoo had a feeling that weird behaviour was caused of Woohyun. "I might be insane,".


"I was the one who asked to be kissed and he just..... follow my instruction just like that... and..." Sunggyu hold his breathes as he felt nervous. The image of being kissed flashed through his mind. It was pleasing yet traumatize him a bit.

"Hey relax!" Dongwoo putted his hands on Sunggyu's left hand that was put on the table. He rubbed it softly to calm Sunggyu down. Sunggyu gave Dongwoo a soft smile.

"Maybe, you just relaxed around him," Dongwoo sid back with a smile. "You should be open up. He is over the heels for you," Dongwoo said again. Sunggyu looked at Dongwoo with his wide cute eyes, pleading for the right answers. Dongwoo smiled back as he nodded.

Sunggyu should just opened his heart for Woohyun.


Dongwoo let go of Sunggyu's hands as he sipped on his coffee, still looking at Sunggyu, waiting for the answer that he had been wanted to hear.

"I'll try then," Sunggyu said with a deep breathe followed behind his words.

"That's my buddy!" Dongwoo said as he smiled back softly.

"I hope so," Sunggyu said under his breathe.


As they met their eyes, Dongwoo quickly ran for Hoya and hugged him tight. Pecking Hoya's cheeks in the process with a little 'love you', Hoya chuckled as he felt Dongwoo' affectionate acts on him.

"Miss me that much,huh?" Hoya asked as he cupped Dongwoo's cheeks in his hands. Dongwoo nodded cutely in Hoya's grips, hands still wrapped tight around his boyfriend's waist. Hoya smiled sweetly as he said, "I miss you too,". Dongwoo pushed his head on Hoya's chest, feeling the other's warm in the chest.

They walked by hand in hand, smiled sweetly as the their boots slowly stepped on the snow tha covered the road.

"I was worry about Sunggyu but then it is nothing," Dongwoo said in the silent. Hoya looked at him wide eyes as he remembered about Woohyun.

"Woohyun told me that Sunggyu was the one who asked first," Hoya said the fact. Dongwoo nodded.

"I am happy that he began to open up but..... he said he also didn't know the reason he did that," Dongwoo said.

"We could just wish the best for them," Hoya said in his mature voice. Dongwoo nodded. "And where do you want to have dinner tonight?" Hoya asked with manliness, making Dongwoo squealed.

"Any where," Dongwoo said with a smile.


(A/N: Yadong is a cute couple)

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