chapter nine

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"Dongwoo," Sunggyu called him. Dongwoo quickly turned to his friend.

"Sunggyu. Why are you like this?" Dongwoo shocked when he saw his friend's puffy eyes. He cupped Sunggyu's face using his two hands. Turning it around to see if the brunette was okay or not.

"Are you crying the whole night?" Dongwoo asked. Worried about his only best friend condition. Sunggyu just gave him a weak smile and shooked his head. Not even answering Dongwoo's question with a single proper word. Dongwoo pouted. He knew that Sunggyu was lying to him.

"You lying?" Dongwoo asked. Sunggyu pushed Dongwoo's hands aside. Did not feeling comfortable with Dongwoo since he knew Hoya's feeling towards Dongwoo. It was hurting him slowly. Really hurt until he might die anytime soon.

"I don't want to talk about it," Sunggyu said as he looked at his shoes. His fingers played with each other. Hesitated to tell Dongwoo somehing that he kept for a long time.

"Can I talk to you for a little time?" Sunggyu said.

"Of course. Now talk," Dongwoo turned his body. Looking straightly to Sunggyu. Wanted to know what the older wanted to let him know.

"Not now. After school. At my house," Sunggyu said as he stood up. Walking out from the class.

"Anyway you don't want the teacher get mad as we already late for P.E class," Sunggyu shouted from outside of the classroom. Dongwoo snapped out from his thought. Fumbled as he remembered that he already late.


Hoya looked at the outside of his class. He didn't want to pay any attention to the teacher in front of the class. The teacher didn't mind anyway. This biology teacher always said that if you wanted to score for my class just pay attention, if you don't I don't mind because that was you choice to score in my class or not. The words that could make some student cheers out.

Hoya loomed down to the school field. Some students were playing for the P.E class. Some of them silly as ever.

Suddenly someone beautiful snapped Hoya thought of the student's sillyness. The beauty one walked into the field. Letting out his free spirits like always. Making Hoya grinned like a mad.

"Everyone else would think I am mad," Hoya whispered to himself. Anyway he just looked at the beauty that always took his heart. Making his life completed like ever.

"Dongwoo-shi," Hoya whispered.


"Woohyun-shi. Please pay attention," Woohyun snapped out. Looking the math teacher that was already in front of him.

"You slept again," the teacher said in disappointment. Woohyun bowed slightly as he asked for a sorry from his teacher.

"Please pay attention to my class," The teacher said. Walking away to the front of the class. The class is too much of boredom. Woohyun always thought of that. He wanted to play out like he always did. Anyway, he needed to cover up his identity. It would be uneasy for him if the students knew his abiliity. His passions in magic.

"Class dismiss," the teacher said. The students stood up and bowed to the teacher.

"Please submit your homework tomorrow," The teacher made a note again before walking out of the class. Suddenly the class got noisy again. The student started to talk to each other.

"Woohyun-shi," a girl walked to Woohyun. Giggling as she tried to make the boy looking at her.

"Yes. What can I help?" like usual, Woohyun gave her a wide smile. A smile that can shoot a girl die. The girl giggled again.

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