chapter twenty nine

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Sunggyu walked inside of the school alone. Something that he not usually done before. Usually he would walk to the school along with his best friend Dongwoo but due to the what he had thought as a betrayal, that would be a never for hi to walk with the other again like they used to be. Sunggyu let out a little sigh until the corner of his eyes caught two familiar figures. Quickly, he slowing his pace and straightened his glasses that was covering his face. He looked downward, trying to not be recognise by the other two familiar figure that happened to walk beside him. But the other two seemed like they not even realized that they had passed through the brunette guy.

Sunggyu had seen the way the other two cling to each other. It was way over too intimate. Not like he was usual to see everyday back then. They seemed happier without him.

The couple were Dongwoo and Hoya. Sunggyu had watched the way Dongwoo's hand cling on Hoya's arm, bringing himself closer to the taller dancer. They looked adorable but somehow that image had mad Sunggyu became furious and mad. He was mad. Was Hoya even had confessed to Dongwoo or is it Dongwoo who figured out it himself and saying that he also had feelings for the other dancer without appropriately telling his only best friend? Sunggyu had wondered that things.

He was jealous to see the dancers walking happily, swinging their bodies innocently to the birds chirping in the morning. He hated to see the two laughing their butts off when they found something funny between their little conversation. The way their body had tangled perfectly like how a high school couple would do innocently. It was.... Sunggyu had lost his own words.

Then a car passed him by. Sunggyu didn't realize that Woohyun was in the car, looking at him with pathetic and apologetically eyes. Sunggyu never ever realized the love that Woohyun had kept for him even though it just took a night for Woohyun to realize where his heart should belong to. Sunggyu was just too blind over Hoya. Saying the  dancer was everything for him.

Sunggyu had caught Woohyun at the edge of his eyes when he opened his locker. He had seen the other walked behind him lifelessly. That was not a Woohyun that day. He had seen how dark Woohyun's eyes were. Sunggyu felt sorry but he had believed that Woohyun needed to realize that he had broke their promise. A promise that Sunggyu would never forgot inside the tree house and under the moonlight.

"Betrayer!" was what Sunggyu mouthed when he purposely slammed his locker.

When he had arrived at his class, he remembered that his place was beside Dongwoo. Then he changed his place with a weird guy named P.O.. Through the entire class, Sunggyu had seen the way Dongwoo slowly opened up with the weird guy. Well not slowly, it was pretty fast.

"Did you two fight?" Sunggyu swore he had heard it from P.O but Dongwoo just answered him with a sad smile. Not even answering the threw question. Sunggyu even wondered the same. Did two of them fight? Then it was... he got no answer for that question too.

When it was rest time, Sunggyu had run over Kyungsoo. Saying that he would like to spend his spend his rest time with Kyungsoo instead and Kyungsoo just nodded in agreement. They had their brunch and then went away to their awaited class after the bell rang in annoying manner.

It was hard to play with this pull and push. But Sunggyu was way to stubborn to realize that he was wrong. He wondered how long this would end.

Then he found himself dragging his body to the school backyard. He stumbled upon a tree and sat under the biggest tree there. With knees on his chest and his chin rested on his knees, Sunggyu tried to hold his tears.

"This is not the way should be," Sunggyu muttered as he stuffed his face inside his knees. Making himself like a ball. A small ball. He was sad. The mixture feelings in his heart had made him felt dizzy with himself. He felt sorry for what he had done but also feeling that he had done the right thing even though the others not even on his side. Everything was a mess and Sunggyu hated to admit all his faults. His friends faded. He got nothing right now. Just himself.

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