chapter thirty two

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Hoya was overly nervous. Their day of performance had arrived yet people had gathered at the places in crowd at the mall. He had seen how the same mall had watched their friendship up and down and now he utterly admitted that their friendship had broke. A little pieces to be added.

Hoya looked around. It was not about the performance that he had been nervous of. It was the other guy at the other side. He watched the other guy's lips turned into a little pout as he focused into his own phone. Hoya found it adorable. He chuckled at the sight, it was adorable anyway. The little pout even make Hoya resisted more to put little kisses on the kissable lips. If only he could. That guy was not even officially his.

His eyes never leave Dongwoo that already in his baggy suit and make up done. Everything looked so perfect on the other. Hoya gulped himself.

The thought had gone deeper. Hoya quickly shake his head. He tried to memorize the steps, making sure he never forget even a little bit of the choreography. He wanted it to be perfect.

Hoya looked at his clock then he turned to one of the stylists. Sungjong had done Hoya's make up and now he arranging his equipment, making sure it was placed in the right place. Sungjong really took care of his make up tools very well.

"Jong-ah! Do you think that he would be mine?" Hoya suddenly blurted out. With all of the sassy act that he has, Sungjong stopped arranging and turned to face Hoya. He scowled a bit looking at Hoya a little unbelievable look on the other's trust in himself.

"Did you never seen how he would behave when you are in front of him recently?" Sungjong asked Hoya. Hoya looked at Sungjong with his widened eyes. Hoya started to wonder how would the other behave? Sungjong huffed his breath a little louder to catch on Hoya's attention.He even had played one of his brushes in front of Hoya's eyes. Swinging it a little bit too sassy.

"You should look at it. There was an adoring look in it. If you are quiet brave from the first, I am very sure that now you two already in relationship," Sungjong turned again to focus on his brushes. "You are unbelievable!". The huffed had make Hoya sure to make it afterward.

He really going to confess after this stage end.

Hoya was startled by Dongwoo's hand when Dongwoo called him just to say that their turn already nearing, Signaling to him that he needed to be ready so soon. Hoya nodded to Dongwoo as he stood up from his seat. He could hear a soft mutter from Dongwoo cheering him a bit before they started to climb up the stairs of the stage. He smiled even a bit as they started to take on their own position.

When the music started their limbs started to be smooth. They dance like what they had choreographed on. It was so smooth and they had earned a big applause from the audiences. Dancing had make them smiling wide and feeling so free.

After they finished, they hugged each other tight and bowed to the audiences slightly thanking them before they stepped to the background stage. As they stepped down the stairs, big smiles plastered on their faces. It showed how they felt satisfied of it. They started to change to their usual outfits and gathered their things, knowing that they didn't need to be at the last greeting of this performances. It was enough for them to just dance and yet that already made them felt satisfied.

"We're going for a hang out," that was what Hoya had told Sungjong when Sungjong interrupted their little giggles. Dongwoo smiled a bit at Sungjong when Sungjong frowned at them. Then, Sungjong nodded anyway, letting them have their own way after their own performance. It was a great dance stage anyway.

"Make sure to wear something warm. It's snowing outside," Hoya said, urging the other to take the scarf that Hoya had bring along with him. Dongwoo smiled widely as he took the scarf from Hoya's hand when they got outside of the mall. He quickly wrapped the scarf on his neck, sniffing himself into the warm comfort of Hoya's light scent on the scarf. It was comforting for Dongwoo's nose. He found it very comforting then.

As he wrapped himself in the scarf, Hoya shyly had taken his hand, hold it tight between his long fingers which made Dongwoo smiled even wider. Hoya knew how to keep him warmer. They walked side b side to their favourite part of the park with their hand holding onto each other.

As they arrived, their boots playing loosely with the snow. Snow had made the place even more beautiful as the lake became frozen, leaving kids and adults having their time skating on the ice. Dongwoo, who just kept smiling since the start had begun their awkward conversation first.

"So, why here?" Dongwoo asked nervously. Dongwoo even could hinted a little nervous breathe from Hoya as they left the warm on their hands. Their intertwined hand had loosed their own partner. Hoya looked at his boot when he caught some of the snow on his boot, not even bothering to swipe it off from his shoes. Dongwoo could see how adorable Hoya's ears had turned redder, maybe a slight of it because of the cold. How Dongwoo could adore it the whole of his life? How could he never realized that he had been felt on this dancer in front of him?

Hoya bit on his lips nervously. "I wonder this one thing," Hoya stated. Dongwoo tilted his head, confuse.

"I don't understand you," Dongwoo said.

With a deep breathe, Hoya started, " Okay, I knew that this could turn out to be weird but I hope that this would never change our closeness. Maybe I was a little bit eager, no of course not, I am not eager. But I had holding onto this for so long. Your adorableness and thing that doens't make senses. I just don't know how to from this but," Hoya stopped just to hold in hand with Dongwoo. He intertwined their long fingers together, gathered a little bit of warm with them. Dongwoo's eyes widened at the sudden action but smiles never leave his face.

"I love you, will you be my boyfriend?" Hoya finally asked. Dongwoo squealed as he hold Hoya's tight into his embraces, he never thought that tears would be running his cheeks too, wetting Hoya's shoulder. Hoya was in shock as he found himself inside the other's warm embraces. Hoya let himself drawn in the other's warm as he could feel the warm tears wetting on his shoulder. "I take that as a yes then," Hoya said, Dongwoo just nodded. Hoya chuckled as he could feel the other's head moving between his crook of neck.

Later on, they found themselves kissing under the snow.


A/n: finally I finished this! This is for Christmas even a bit late so why not...

Merry Christmas!!! ^^


As I said, before, this was written a long time ago

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