chapter seventeen

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The four friends already gathered around the place that they had promised to meet together. Dongwoo seemed happy and excited since Woohyun also came along with Hoya while Sunggyu was the only one who struggling a lot. With Hoya since Dongwoo hugged Woohyun a lot.

Sunggyu and Hoya just laughed at Dongwoo and they started to chit chatting before starting a wonderful dance.

After a while, Dongwoo and Hoya finally decided to dance. Showing off their smooth dance move and new choreography. Woohyun and Sunggyu just gasped at how amazing these two worked well together. How well their dance looked smooth and attractive enough to make other audiences gasped and smiled. Woohyun just gasped. This is first time he seeing Dongwoo danced. Before this he just watched at how Hoya dance. Manly and hot. Dongwoo make it smooth and pretty. A good combination between these two.

After dancing Dongwoo and Hoya smirked and walked to the other two. Asking if that dance would be okay and great for their another stage. Sunggyu just nodded and smiled. Showing off his calm side.

"I feel wonderful that two of you dance gratefully and I thought that would be great," Dongwoo grinned at Woohyun's compliment. Woohyun just patted his back.

"Hey! I think that I wanna dance too," Woohyun said. The other just looked at him questioning.

"You just dance. You can dance every time you want it," Hoya said. Pointing to Woohyun. "Since your body can still be used. Just move it,".

Woohyun rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I am not someone who can just easily dance like you. What I can do is just like this," Woohyun showing off his pointing dance. Slumber. The other just laugh at his funny dance move.(If you watch Infinite showtime you know what is pointing dance) "While you such a god at dancing things and I am not. I just knew magic," Woohyun explained.

"Then what do you want?"Hoya asked. Woohyun smirked and linked his arm with Sunggyu which make Sunggyu shocked to the hell. Sunggyu just glared at Woohyun and swore he would build a hole through him.

"Teach us," Woohyun said with a cheeky smile. Sunggyu gasped.

"I don't want to," Sunggyu quickly denied and tried to escaped from Woohyun. Woohyun just hold his tight.

"You will need to," Woohyun glared at Sunggyu. Like he always did when two them doing their exercises. Sunggyu just looked at Woohyun in terrified.

"That would be great if you learn too, Sunggyu," Dongwoo claimed. He said it happily which make Sunggyu more terrified.

"Okay," Hoya said.

"That is great. Now I will learn with Dongwoo and you with Hoya," Woohyun claimed. Dragging Dongwoo with him while Dongwoo just laughed his butt off, Sunggyu just looked at both of them in widened eyes. Not expected that the duo had planned them together again.

"Well. We can just take a break if you don't want to," Hoya said.

"I will learn it," Sunggyu simply said walking to the stereo. He choose a song and stood in front of it. Don't know what to do.

"I guess I will help you to move," Hoya said while he chuckled a little bit. Sunggyu just smiled at him. He would be happy if that continued in the future. Forever happy. If only Hoya noticed his feelings.


"I am tired," Sunggyu said. Sat down on the floor like a sulking baby after some strange and hard move that Hoya taught him. Hoya just smiled a little when he saw Sunggyu pouted in his tiredness.

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