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This is short and I might update again later today..


~~~BTS group chat~~~

Seokjin: that makes no sense though????

Yoongi: that's what I'm saying..how the fuck you go from wanting a blue room to fucking lilac...THE AUDACITY!

Jungkook: why is hyung so passionate?

Taehyung: Yoongs, babe...chill

Jimin: why does the room color matter though? Jungkook...YOU UNMUTED THE CHAT!! ....aren't you in a class?


Hoseok: why you always gotta text in class though...?

Jungkook: he hasn't started class yet...plus it's a classic film class (this is a real class I'm about to sit in right now...it's from 3:50 to 6:20 but he has it start at 4 instead..)

Yoongi: so...you just sit and watch a movie?

Hoseok: what types of movies?

Seokjin: what are you watching?

Jimin: would you wanna come over later and watch a movie?? YOU DON'T HAVE TO THOUGH!

Taehyung: the amount of questions...so are you going back to live with Jimin or staying with your parents?

Namjoon: can y'all let my baby boi whom I've neglected...I'm so sorry..speak...damn, chill.

Jungkook: Yoongi hyung, yes we just sit and watch movies. We have a quiz after the film. Hoseok hyung, it's a class on classic films of horror, sci-fi and the supernatural. Seokjin hyung, we're watching Nosferatu which is a German movie about Dracula from 1922. Jimin hyung, maybe...I'll think about it. Taehyung hyung, since I just got back, yes I'm with my parents, but since Jimin hyung asked about going over I'm probably gonna move back in since I did pay for part of the apartment... Namjoon hyung thank you, you still lowkey suck, but thank you.

Jimin:  ( ∩ˇωˇ∩)

Namjoon: I just hope that we can all be good friends again and stop jumping to conclusions like we have.

Hoseok: deadass...AND JUST TO LET YOU KNOW JUNGKOOK! Jimin hasn't spoken to me for a little because he knows that upsets you..

Seokjin: mochi boy been talking to me (ㆆᴗㆆ)

Yoongi: in other news..are you teo gonna be okay?  Like...I don't gotta go kick Jimin's ass?

Jimin:  (。•́︿•̀。)

Jungkook: DON'T BE COMING FOR MY MOCHI! I mean..I'm mad at him, im assuming we're gonna have a little break to talk this out...BUT DON'T THREATEN HIM YOU KNOW HE'S SENSITIVE!

Taehyung: so overprotective..so sweet.

Hoseok: boy...HE AIN'T SWEET!

Namjoon: let them LIVE!

Seokjin: mmhmmm back to this tea chat...|ω-o)゚

Jungkook: oooohh bite me horse face...you and Yoongi hyung argued or ignored each other the entire weekend and made poor Taehyungie feel awkward and he told me it's been happening often over dumb shit and Somin has questioned it.

Hoseok: .....Tae what the fuck.

Yoongi: Hobi, this is for our own chat or face to face.

Taehyung:  |д・´) !!

The professor just talked about nothing for 10 minutes... time to watch a film

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