"Scout...Will you wear my jersey next week?" He asks and I smile.

"I've already worn you're jeresy, you don't need to ask." I say but he shakes his head.

"I know, but I mean like officially." This makes me look up at him with wide eyes and a small smile.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend Neymar Jr?" I tease and he nods.

"I would love for you to be my girlfriend Scout." He looks down at my, his hand tracing the side of my face with his fingers making me shiver.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Neymar." I answer and he smiles wide and brings his face down and envelopes his lips in mine pulling me closer to him.

The kiss is perfect.

It's so much better than any of the other kisses that Neymar and I have had. It makes butterflies erupt in my stomach and I feel like my lips are burning and I feel like I'm just going explode.

Neymar and I are boyfriend and girlfriend.

I'm Neymar Jr's girlfriend.

I hope none of his fans kill me for this.

"Well I guess I can say I have one of the hottest women in the world right now as my girlfriend." I laugh loudly and he picks up his phone.

"Come in a picture with me." He pulls me closer, pressing our heads together and I smile for the camera facing us, he snaps a few pictures of us then posts one to instagram with the caption "minha querida".

My dear in portuguese.

"My dear?" I ask.

"Well I didn't want to be so cliche and write my love, you're to special to be the same as everyone else." He tells me making me blush deeply and bry my head ito his chest.


"You're blushing so hard." He says laughing loudly making me blush even more.

"Stop it." I say embarrased.

"Well it's my job to make you blush now." He says making me smile before leaning up and pecking his lips.

"I could really go some ice cream." I say and look up at him so he takes my leg off his lap and he stands up.

"Well, come'n lets go get you some ice cream." He pulls me up and I run into my room and grab a pair of slip on flip flops which are just plain black.


"So what kind of ice cream do you want?" Neymar's hands slips around my waist from behind and his head rests on my neck.

"I don't know," I asnwer and feel his head move and his lips are slightly touching the side of my neck, just near my ear. "I was thinking just plain vanilla, or I'm tempted to get coffee." 

"I'm going to get chocolate, so you just get whatever you want." He presses his lips strongl against my neck making me push him away and glare at him.

"Stop it." I glare and he just laughs and I pick up the vanilla ice cream and go to the counter and get money out to pay but Neymar is to quick and pays for me.

We walk back up to the apartment quickly before the ice cream melts into nothing, but as we get to the door of the apartment, with all the paparazzi following us, Neymar has to surprise me by kissing me.

Just a peck.

But it's still a shock.

The go mental and take many more pictures, but I'm to busy thinking about getting into my apartment and eating this full tub of ice cream.

I rush into the elevator and press for the door to shut before Neymar can get in so he has so run up the stairs. 

I go into my apartment and get tow spoons out and hear the door open so I look over and see and out of breath Neymar, holding his ice cream like it's the only thing keeping him alive.

"Well that wasn't nice."

"Do you know what is nice?" I ask rhetorically, "this ice cream."

He laughs and takes his spoon taking a large bit of his ice cream before walking over and sits on the couch with me following behind while eating my ice cream.

He turns the tv over and we start to watch a film that's really old and is in black and white. It's quite hard to stay focused because it's quite a slow film and I have a very hot guy sitting next to me eating ice cream. 

"Stop staring at me." Neymar turns to face me as I realise that I've been staring at him for at least five minutes in a day dream.

"Sorry." I look down making him laugh and places a kiss on my cheek.

"You're too cute." I look at him, playing with the metal spoon in the carton tub of ice cream.

"Shut up, I'm sexy. I'm on Maxim's sexiest list." I say and he laughs loudly.

"Stop it."

"Neymar this isn't funny."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't." Instead of answering back I take my spoon filled with ice cream and rub it over his nose.

"Why did you do that?" He asks wiping it off making me chuckle loudly like a mad man as he glares at me. 

As I laugh I close my eyes then feel cold metal touching my cheek with liquid dripping down my face making me gasp loudly and open my eyes.

"That wasn't funny!" I shout and he copies me making me glare and wipe off the liquid with the back of my hand.

"You're so sexy." Neymar smiles at me and I smile and flick my hair over my shoulder.

"Oh, I know."


I hope you enjoyed this.

They're finally together.

I'm now starting to doubt myself on my next story but it'll be up soon, maybe in a few more chapters.

Please comment, vote and follow me.

Tell people about this please. I'd really appreciate it.

Love you xx

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