Chapter 49.

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Harry looked at Imani on the floor, looking up at him in fear. Imani didn't mean anything she said. She had a huge attitude problem. Harry felt bad and lifted her up. She wrapped her arms around him, sobbing on his shoulder.

"I didn't mean it!" She cried. "I love you!"

"I can't believe I just hit you." He said, sobbing on her too. "Baby, I'm so sorry."

"You'll be sorry!" Craig yelled, grabbing a gun out his pocket. "Harry, put her down!"

Harry quickly ran up the stairs away from Craig. Craig chased them up the stairs, but Harry swerved so Craig couldn't shoot him. Everyone ran after them, running through out Chresanto and Jacob's house.

"I love her!" Craig yelled, getting a sore slammed in his face. Harry ran into the attic. "Fuck!"

He busted the door open, seeing it was pitch black. Jacob squealed when he saw how dark it was. Craig slammed the door in their faces, grabbing his red flashlight. He shined it, stepping inside the attic. He looked for them, a creepy smile on his face.

"Come out, Harry." He said. "Let me kill you so I can have her!"

Craig heard Imani sniffle, crying. Craig smirked, shining the light in her face. She started crying when Harry stood up in front of him. Harry flicked the light on, it being really dim.

"Give it up!" Harry yelled. "You don't deserve her."

"You laid your hands on her!" Craig yelled, pointing the glock at him. "You're not a man!"

"I'm human! I make mistakes! I love her and I've never done anything wrong except for hit her!" Harry yelled. "What about you? You made her lose her first baby!"

"Harry." Imani warned. "He's crazy."

"Yeah!" Craig yelled. "Watch what you're saying!"

Harry stepped towards him, Craig took a step back. Harry kept inching towards him, and right when Craig pulled the trigger, he fell through the hole in the attic floor.

"Ahhh." He yelled, falling down. "Imani..."


But, a shot still rang out and blood curdling scream rang out.

Someone was shot.

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