Chapter 30.

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Adiyah's boyfriend, John, walked with her in the jungle. He rolled his eyes at how much she tied about Chresanto. John knew she had a crush on him.

"He needs sap from the tree to help clear up his acne." She said, stopping at the tree. "I need to give it to him, he's obviously insecure about it."

"Well his face is pretty bad." John snickered. "What the hell are we suppose to do about it?"

"Give him the sap!" She snapped. "Why are you being so fallible?"

"Because you're bringing up that no good man!" He said, watching her close the sap. "Put it down!"

"No!" She yelled. "I won-"

He slapped the sap out her hand and ripped her dress off of her. He pushed her on the ground and held her down. He pulled his member out and covered her mouth.

"I'm getting my best nut out of this." He grinned. "You're gonna know better next time."

"Mmffphhhh." She muffled into his hand. "Nufaaaaa."

"Shut the fuck up or I'll kill you in your sleep." He growled, slamming into her. "Stupid slut."

While the was going on, Harry and Chresanto were walking back to the beach, catching up. Harry was telling him everything that has happened to him. He purposely left Jacob out of it, just so Chresanto would have to find out after as a surprise.

"Imani and I live together, but we have no relations." Harry said. "After we graduated, after her miscarriage, we decided to go to school again and then we got jobs."

"You lost your job?" Chresanto asked, looking at him. "Did you?"

"I use to work for Saint Vincent's hospital in Manhattan for special children diagnosed with ADHD." Harry responded. "But, they shut it down."

"That happened while I left?" He asked. "I wish I could do something about it."

"Tell me what happened after the war ended." Harry said. "You were suppose to return with the troops."

Chresanto looked at him and started tearing up. He had to remember that night. He did remember. He remembered it so crisp that you'd think it happened yesterday.

"We had just won the war..."


"Chresanto, shoot the little boy!" Lieutenant Browne yelled. "Now, Cadet."

The little boy marched with the heavy gun in his arms. The little boy tried to lift the gun to shoot Chresanto, but Chresanto closed his eyes and fired a shot. The boy collapsed onto the ground. When he turned around, the troops were running into the plane. Chresanto's eyes widened.

"Wait!" He yelled. "Y'all forgot me!"

"No fags allowed." Browne said, smirking. "Bye."

Myles looked at Chresanto and started tearing up. The two were really close when the war began for them. Chresanto couldn't believe that he would strand him out here like that.

"Fuck you!" He growled.

A few weeks passed, and Adiyah and her mother found him. He stayed with them until Harry found him.

"Wow." Harry said. "Well, Jacob's here."

Chresanto's heart skipped a beat as he stood there frozen. Chresanto started shaking in anticipation. He looked at Harry and Harry smiled, grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the camp site.

"I can't wait to see my baby." He smiled.

Meanwhile, Jacob was going to pee/look for Harry. He walked through the jungle, leaving a trail. He saw a little hut set up and wanted to ask for their bathroom. He knocked on the bamboo door and a male opened the door.

"Wow, you're gorgeous." The boy said, blushing. Jacob laughed while the boy caught his words. "Sorry."

"Ha." Jacob smiled. "It's okay. I'm Jacob."

"I'm Shaun." He smiled. "May I ask you reasoning for being here? Not that I'm not mad you're here."

"I have to pee." Jacob said. "Do you have anywhere I can pee?"

"Yeah." Shaun smiled. "Come on."

Jacob followed the boy into the small hut. Shaun walked him to the back and Jacob sat a toilet. It was old and rusty with no water inside. Jacob made a face and Shaun scratched his neck in embarrassment. Shaun looked like Nolen. Look him up.

"I dig a hole all the way to the sea." He laughed. "It was hard, but I don't have to worry about it for a while."

Shaun had muscles like Chresanto and nice smooth skin. Jacob found himself blushing when he saw he was half shirtless. Jacob felt him member twitch at the sight of his chiseled body.

"Something you like?" Shaun smiled.

"We should get to know each other." Jacob said, wanting to get over Chresanto. "I have to get over my ex boyfriend."

"Oh." Shaun laughed. "What happened?"

Jacob couldn't help but jump at the chance to pour his heart out to Shaun. He hasn't really talked about it to nobody, so this was his time. Shaun listened to the story.

"He left and sent letters." Jacob said. "But I believe he's dead."

"You don't know that." Shaun said, looking at him.

"He loved me." Jacob said, his voice cracking. "Why would he leave me here other than death?"

"What's his name?" Shaun asked. "Because you said he was drafted here?"


Jacob caught Shaun's stare and leaned into him. Shaun smiled and kissed Jacob. Their eyes fluttered closed.

This may not be a problem. Right?

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