Chapter 24.

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"She lost the baby?" Jacob said tearing up. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah." Chresanto sniffed. "I can't believe that she got hit by Craig."

"He hit her stomach!?" Jacob growled.

"No." Chresanto said, sitting on the bed. "It was NOTHING like that."

"Then how else would a five month pregnant female lose her baby?" Jacob asked.


"That's crazy. She used to be my best friend." Jacob said. "She's been trying to talk to me, but I've been neglecting her for the fucking longest!"

Chresanto comforted his lover. He hated to see him down. Jacob let endless tears fall down his face. Chresanto held him as they fell back on the bed.

"It'll be alright, Babe." Santo said. "She can't hate you, no one can."

"She hates me!" Jacob yelled. "She should."

Meanwhile, Harry took Imani home. She was still crying hysterically at her loss. Harry held her as she sniffed and looked at him. She wasted a lot of money on clothes.

"All this baby shit I wasted money on!" She yelled. "I can't believe this."

"What color did you get?" Harry whispered. "Like the color scheme."

"Yellow." She sniffed.

"Well save it for a future baby." He smiled. "I know you're not ready, but when you are, have one and be extra careful with the process."

"Okay." She smiled. "Thank you for being there for me."

"Its cool, Babe." Harry smiled. "We'll get through this together."

"But I think I need therapy." Imani sniffed. "To help me cope."

"I'll pay for it." He said in a serious tone. "I won't leave your side."

Have we forgotten about Daniel and Ray? They couldn't keep their hands off each other. Well, I know y'all have been waiting for them for a while.

"Daniel!" Rayan moaned out as Daniel pumped into him. "Fuck!"

"I ain't Chresanto!" He growled in his ear. "He ain't gonna treat you like how I do."

"I know, Diggy." Rayan said, calling him by his nickname. "Shhhhhiiiiit."

"Hell yeah!" Daniel growled. "Scream like a slut, Babe."

Meanwhile, these was a plague of Asian territory leaders, landing on US territory. They were coming to declare a fight. The leader's name was Feng. He had seven troopers to help call for war.

"Call your negro president." Feng said in good English. "I want to declare war."

Lieutenant Browne panicked and ran to go tell Barack Obama. He called all of the trainees. He was going to call for war and he knows serious this time. He needed Obama's approval. So when Obama gave him the approval, he began to call on troops to prepare for war.

"Hello." Chresanto snapped at Lieutenant Browne. "It's my day off!"

"Well I don't think you have any days off now!" He yelled. "Get your stuff, we're going to war!"

"Are you bullshitting me!?" Chresanto yelled in a panic. "Why all of a sudden!?"

"Feng called for war." He answered. "It's time."

Chresanto looked at Jacob as he hung up. Jacob looked at him, tearing up. Jacob started bawling on Chresanto's shoulders when he realized it was time to let him go to war. Chresanto's world slowed down as Jacob came crashing into his chest.

"Please return to me...." Jacob cried.

"I will."

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