Chapter 43.

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Harry sat next to a sleeping Imani. He looked at her sleeping face and sighed. He sat for four days waiting for her to wake up. She was in a mild coma. Harry got up to leave for the night when Imani's head lifted up and looked at him.

"H-Harry?" Imani said, sitting up. "What happened?"

Harry spun around and yelled for the doctors. They rushed in and pushed him out. They had to check her vitals after the incident happened. They checked her blood pressure and her vitals. They let Harry walk inside after she was cleared.

"Where's my baby!?" Imani yelled, remembering her delivery. "Did they live?"

"Imani..." Harry sighed. "We have to talk."

"Oh no, they died!" Imani cried out. "I'm such a terrible mother, how did I kill another b-"

"NO! They didn't die." Harry said, wiping her tears. "Please don't cry, your pressure will go back up."

"Wait, they?" Imani smiled. "I had twins?"

"We had twins." Harry said, tearing up. "You just went into a coma because of the loss of blood, but they are healthy."

"Did you name them? Are they boys? Girls? Both?" Imani asked in an excited tone. "I wanna see them right now."

"My cousin is in the room with them." Harry chuckled. "They are a boy and a girl. The boy came out first. I wanted to wait until you woke up to name them."

"I'll name the boy, you name the girl." Imani smiled. "I like Joshua."

"I like Maree." Harry said, kissing her name. "Good job, MaMa. You did it."

Imani smiled weakly at him. Harry kissed her all over her face. He loved her. She gave him his first children. She hugged him. She loved him just as much, if not more. She had someone who cared deeply about her.

"Aww, cousin." A unfamiliar voice said. "Hello, you must be Imani."

Harry's cousin was gorgeous. She had sandy brown hair and green eyes. She had on a romper with diamond studs. She was breathtaking. Imani felt a little self-cautious. They girl showed her pearly whites.

"Hello." Imani smiled. "You are?"

"My name is Miranda. I couldn't help, but overhear the names you gave the babies. They're absolutely beautiful." Miranda smiled. "It's weird because Harry decided to name the baby girl after me."

"Thank you." Imani smiled. "I need to go see my babies."

"They'll bring them in." Miranda said. "They're coming any minute now."

"Alright." Imani smiled. "Harry, can you get me KFC?"

"Sure." He chuckled. "Miranda, keep my baby mama company."

"Alright." She laughed.

Harry walked out the room while Miranda sat with Imani. Imani smiled at her and decided to wanna know somethings about her.

"Well, she's so cute." Miranda smiled. "She looked just like you and the boy looks like Harry."

"Whoa." Imani said in disbelief. "I can't believe he gave me my almost first baby."

"Almost?" Miranda said, twitching a little. "What does that mean?"

"I lost the first baby." Imani mumbled. "A long time ago."

Imani never really talked about it so openly about something so serious and sensitive. Miranda just stared at her, giving her a sympathetic, yet stunned look. Miranda sighed and looked at her stomach.

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