Chapter 7.

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Rayan looked at him like he was crazy. Jacob just stood there and waited for the younger boy to say something back to him about the suggestion he gave.

"Why would I face someone who raped me?" Rayan snapped. "I hate him!"

"It was just a thought, sorry." Jacob said, looking away. "But, you have to for-"

"I forgave him when he did it." Rayan said. "He apologized, but I left before he could hurt me."


Meanwhile, Craig was talking with Imani. They were at the gym, working out some. Craig wouldn't take his eyes off of her.

"Hey." He smiled. "I-"

"Craig I heard you liked me." She said. "Let's be honest here. I'm not a booty call, I won't lay in bed with you unless I love you. I'm not even sure if I could like a male like you."

"Fuck you mean a male like me!?" He barked quietly so no one would hear their conversation. "What's wrong with me? I'm a pro football player, already drafted to be in the NFL! Why can't you be my sunbeam lady."

"We don't even t- what the hell is a 'sunbeam' lady?" She scoffed.

"It's a female that got my back when I'm on the field or away on business!" He yelled, getting louder. "I like you and I thought you would be good for me, but I see you're not!"

"Craig..." She whimpered. "I-"

"No...I get it, you don't like me." Craig sighed. "Can we be friends?"

Imani didn't want to be friends with someone who teases her best friend to the fullest for being in love with men. Imani had a decision to make. Should she become friends with Craig or not do it for the sake of Jacob's feelings?

"I'm sorry. You think it's okay to talk down on Jacob cause of who he likes?" She scowled. "I can't fuck with someone like you."

"Wait." He said, grabbing her arm as she turned to leave. "I'll stop."

Imani paused to look at him. He gave her a serious face. This is how you can tell that Craig was serious about her. She clicked her tongue and smiled.

"Fine." She smiled. "But if I hear about you talking about Jacob OR Daniel, we're done."

"Daniel's gay?" Craig asked for Chresanto, remembering. "Huh?"

"Yeah." She chuckled. "I'm trying to set Jacob and him up. Wouldn't they be cute?"

"Um....yeah." He lied. "I guess?"

Meanwhile, Chresanto was furious. We was taking his anger out on his mother and little brother. His mote was scared of him because of his vile ways. His brother tried to act like Chresanto. Which isn't good, considering the say he hits his own mother.

"Chresanto, talk to me." She pleaded. "Why are you angry? Is it because of your crush on Jacob?"

"I don't have a crush on Jacob!" He yelled, slamming his fist down onto the table in anger. "That's gay! I ain't no faggot!"

"There's nothing wrong with being gay!" She whispered in fright. "Being gay is just like falling in love with a female."

"I hate him." Chresanto lied. "So, why w- you know what? I'll see you in the morning. Fuck this talk."

Chresanto was lying. He knows he....

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